Chapter 42

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Why did I put myself in this position. I married faith because I love her but she is turning out to be a nightmare. She is proving to me that she doesn't love my kids. Yes I don't love Thulisiwe but she was the best wife ever she loved ndalo like her own and right now she won't even give me access to her now unless it's under supervision. Right now I have to go and bail faith out of prison because of irresponsible behavior.
"Kwenzo uhlaleleni lapho you are suppose to be bailing out faith out of prison" mah said as she walked in my room.
"Aii mah please it's still early in the morning for your shouting"
"Kwenzo don't tell me that nonsense wena faith is pregnant with your child so get your ass up from that bed and go bail her out don't annoy me wena nxn!" She walked out. She was right faith is pregnant with my child and she needs me now more than ever.

I put on my shoes and went to the police station as I arrived there I saw officer Mkhize.
"Officer Mkhize!"
"Yes can I help you?"
"Yes I'm here to pay the bail of my wife faith Ngcobo"
"Ohh I'm sorry she was denied bail"
"What how is that possible?"
"I'm sorry the only way she can get out is if Miss Khumalo drops the charges against your wife because they are pretty serious"
"Oh okay can I see my wife?"
"Yeah sure this way please"
We went to the visitation room where faith was sitting there looking miserable"
"Babyy" she called out.
"Faith are you okay?"
"No please get me out of here"
"I am trying my best the only way out to avoid going to trial is if I talk to Thulisiwe to drop the charges"
"Then do it kwenzo please beg her for me I can't give birth in prison"
"I will do my best baby please give me more time"
"I'm 7months pregnant kwenzo I can give birth prematurely please help me"
"Okay baby stop stressing I love you okayy!"
"I love you too"
I hugged her and I left I went home where I found the whole family having lunch.
"Where is Faith Kwenzokuhle?" Mah asked with concern written all over her face.
"She was denied bail"
"What why" she shouted
"Well cases like this are taken seriously because firstly they look at the motives behind this she can only go out if we beg Thulisiwe to drop the charges"
"She is never going to do that forget it" Busiseka said
"How do you know that Busiseka?"
"Kwenzo thuli forgave you for all the infidelity and she even opted for a joint custody for you to have access to your kids but you still disappointed her. Apparently ndalo suffered 3rd degree burns on her whole left arm and you think she is going to drop charges against faith while your own daughter is in pain you are delusional" Busiseka said and everyone looked shocked.
"3rd degree burns? Are you sure you heard her correctly?" Baba asked
"Yes so I suggest that kwenzo decided what he wants his kids of his slot of a wife. Now if you will excuse me I'm going to check on my God daughter and God son" she stood up and left leaving the whole Ngcobos in disbelief and Baba, Nkosiyabo and Bukhosi were disappointed in kwenzo.
Thulisiwe Pov
Happy 25th birthday to me. It's a really happy day and my baby is getting better and discharged tomorrow so that's good news. My phone rang.
"Happy Birthday MaMaleka" Lawrence said
"Well thank you Lawrence though you now I'm not your wife yet I'm not even your girlfriend yet" I said laughing
"Your right yet mama now go to your front door I have a gift for you"
"How do you know where I stay I never told you"
"I'm a man of many talents and it wasn't that hand to find you now go get your first gift"
"Okay fine but you have a lot of explaining to do mister"
I went to the front door and when I opened I was met by a huge bouquet of roses.

"Happy Birthday MaMaleka" Lawrence said"Well thank you Lawrence though you now I'm not your wife yet I'm not even your girlfriend yet" I said laughing "Your right yet mama now go to your front door I have a gift for you""How do you know where I st...

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"Ohh Lawrence these are sooo beautiful"
"Not as beautiful as you now enjoy your day okay"
"Thank you so much Lawrence and I will do that"
"My pleasure mama"
My day started off on a good note thanks to Lawrence. He is soo sweet and gentle and he just made my day. I got ready and decided to look cute but not over do it.

I went to the hospital to check on my baby and I found her with Busiseka and Smangaliso

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I went to the hospital to check on my baby and I found her with Busiseka and Smangaliso.
"Hey guyss"
"Happy Birthday mommy" ndalo said with a smile
"Thank you babyy" I kissed her forehead
"Happy Birthday mngani" Busiseka said
"Thank you friend are you good?'"
"Yes I'm good love and we need to talk"
"Okayy let go outside" we went outside
"So what's up?"
"Faith was denied bail and the Ngcobos are going crazy well mah Is going crazy and they want you to drop the charges against her"
"Haaa they are crazy I'm not doing that shit my child is in that hospital bed because of them and now they want me to set her free? It's not going to happen."
"I told them that your not going to do it and I don't want you to chomi that girl is a danger to your children"
"Yes I'm going to deal with her accordingly"

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