chapter 3

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Saturday:The lobola negotiations Day
We were woken up at 4am and God do I hate waking up early I was soo grumpy the whole time. We helped my aunts cook who didn't look hangover infact I think they were still drunk. We cooked until it was 5h30am we were told to bath and stay in my room until we were called.We took our bath and looked pretty and stayed in my room.

I wore a white top with a long vintage skirt and a shawl on my arms and a headwrap to look respectable

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I wore a white top with a long vintage skirt and a shawl on my arms and a headwrap to look respectable

I wore a white top with a long vintage skirt and a shawl on my arms and a headwrap to look respectable

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Faith also wore a dress and boy she looked good in here dress

Auntie K came and gave us breakfast but I couldn't eat I was nervous. Today I was becoming his wife traditionally and the was no turning back now.I wanted to cry soo bad I hated my dad for doing this to me.
Nina baka Bhej eseNgome
Nina enadl'umuntu nimyenga ngendaba
Nina endl' izimf'ezimbili ikhambi laphuma lilinye lobengula kaMzilikazi!

Yithina ONgcobo
Nyuswa kaDingila
Sizo cela ubuhlobo obuhle, umfana wethu ubone Imbali yalana ekhaya ufisa ukuyika

In that moment I heard them singing our praise I knew they were here. Me and faith looked out the window to see them and boy were they in expensive suits and shoes you could tell that these people are not here to play. My uncles let them in and they started the lobola process. Me and faith were called in and they had to choose their bride and of cause they chose mee.... I wanted to cry. We were told to go back in to the room. After 2hours we heard my aunts singing and I knew that it was done I was now a Ngcobo bride.

We were told to serve my In laws and I had to serve my husband. Arghh now I have to kneel infront of this man. Well it looked like he was with a friend and some family relatives. So I went to him and knelt down giving him good but not sparing him a glance

Kwenzo:MaKhumalo *He called out*

Me:Yebo Kwenzokuhle *I said to him I didn't want to embarrass him infront of his friends so I played it cool*

Kwenzo:When you are done here come see me we need to talk about the wedding that is happening next week.

I just said okay and left everything was happening soo fast but atleast he was good looking. I could see my cousins looking at me with eyes of envy wishing to be in my position. We finished serving everyone and it was time for my Husband and in-laws to leave.

I went to Kwenzo's car to speak to him before he left like he requested.i got in and just sat there and looked at him waiting for him to say something

Kwenzo: Thulisiwe wathula nje wangangibingeleli

Me:*Rolls my eyes* Ngathi wena ubingelelwa kangakhii

Kwenzo:Don't you dare roll your eyes at me wena. Also I wanted to let you know that the wedding planner will contact you for the planning of the wedding as it is all helping next week the quicker this happens the better

Me:What is the rush I mean who plans a wedding in a week. I can't do that

Kwenzo:I wasn't asking you but telling you now the quicker this is done the better I have a lot on my plate so this needs to be done asap.

Me:But you don't even have my numbers

Kwenzo:Don't worry about that just expect a call from her tomorrow now get out of my car I need to be somewhere important

I got out of his car not forgetting to slam his door while getting out. When I got I  the house I was so tired that I just retired to bed I will talk with faith tomorrow

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