chapter 4

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Planning a wedding in a week was not easy. I don't know how many times I've cried because things were not going as planned. The wedding planner was a pain in the ass she could follow simple instructions I almost fired her at some point. These wedding needed to be perfect it was going to be broadcasted on national television. The most wanted and handsome bachelor was finally settling down.

One day before the wedding
It is one day before I officially become Mrs Ngcobo and I'm sooooooo stressed. During the cause of the week I found out Kwenzokuhle has a whole daughter Buhlebendalo. If it wasn't for my mother in law I wouldn't have know that I'm a stepmother. Right now I'm on my way to pick up my dresses and check on the venue if everything is going according to plan.

I went to the boutique and collected my dresses and met faith there and she was with kwenzo's bestfriend and best man Thembinkosi

I went to the boutique and collected my dresses and met faith there and she was with kwenzo's bestfriend and best man Thembinkosi

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She was in a bright orange neon dress while I was in sweats

She was in a bright orange neon dress while I was in sweats

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Thembinkosi also pulled through with the fit check

We collected the dresses and their suits apparently kwenzo was at work as always and couldn't make it to check on the venue

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We collected the dresses and their suits apparently kwenzo was at work as always and couldn't make it to check on the venue. I was a little bit hurt that he didn't help plan the wedding It seemed as if he really didn't care about my feelings and this wedding.

We viewed the venue and everything was going according to plan now all we had to do is wait for tomorrow for the wedding. We parted ways with Thembinkosi and went home.
When we got home the yard was full all the relatives were there singing and dancing when they saw my car they started singing wedding songs.
Umakoti ngowethu siyavuma!
Ungowethu ngempela siyavuma!
Uzosiwashela asiphekhele siyavuma!
Sithi welele swelele!
Faith and I got out of the car and danced with them but deep down in my heart I was soo hurt that my father was selling me for a partnership but I guess this is my fate

Faith and I went to my room to start packing my clothes my cousins came to join us acting like they were hurt that I was leaving.

Sizo:I can't believe that your getting married I thought I was going to be the one to get married first.

Me:Yeah I also thought that too but I guess fate had other plans

Sizo:I wish you a happy married life cuz *I could see it in her eyes that she didn't mean it.

Faith and I finished packing took a bath and went to sleep. I couldn't eat because of my nerves in a matter of hours I was going to be someone's wife

Next chapter is the the wedding stay tuned

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