Chapter 52

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Thuli's Pov
It's been a week since i went to see faith at the hospital and honestly speaking I'm done trying to be there fir her. I could have chosen to laugh at her pain but I'm not that type of person and she just wants to blame everyone around her but herself so I don't give a fuck anymore. Right now I'm working from home. I'm vlogging the new products we have so I'm work from my home space. Just as I was doing my make up with the Kylie skin products. Lawrence came to join me outside in the lounge chairs.

"Babe do you have a minute? I need to talk to you about something important" he said sitting down

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"Babe do you have a minute? I need to talk to you about something important" he said sitting down.
"Yeah sure go ahead baby"
"We need to discuss the lobola thing"
"What about it babe? You are making it sound like it's something that's complicated"
"It is you need to remember that you were married once and the Ngcobo's paid lobola for you so that means we can't pay lobola again to your father"
"Huh??? I don't get it Lawrence if you are not going to pay lobola for me then how are we going to get married then? I want to do things the right way mina"
"I never said I'm not going to pay your bride price I just said we can't pay it to your dad because you don't belong to the Khumalo's anymore. My family will have to pay your bride price to the Ngcobo's so that we can be able to detach you from their ancestors"
"Ohh but I don't want to go back to the Ngcobo Homestead you know how things are between me and kwenzo's mother. And faith is living with them at the moment so I just can't"
"I know it's hard baby but we need to go there and talk to Bab'Ngcobo so that he can guide us about this. But we need to do this for us I want to marry you the right way baby"
"Okay fine we can go there later today when we go and drop off the kids. We can have this conversation with him then"
"Okay babe let me love and leave you to finish off your work"
"Okay love you"
"Love you too"
He stood up and walked back in to the house leaving Me alone with my thoughts. Why does everything have to be soo complicated bruh? Why can't I just have the easy way out? Why does everything have to be so complicated when it comes to me? It's like nothing ever goes my way now I have to go back to that hellhole so that I can marry the man that I love which is absurd. Let me call Baba and make him aware of our visit.
Phone Conversation
:Sawubona Thulisiwe ngane yami. Kunjani?
:Ngiyaphila Baba unjani wena?
:Ngiyaphila ngane yami
:Baba ngik'shayele ucingo ukwazisa ukuthi sizo fika namhlanje no Lawrence sizo Khumalo ngadaba Lweyi nkomo zam okwamele zikishwe.
:kulungile ngane yam isiyobonana nthambama
:Nisale kahle Baba bye bye
End of phone conversation
I went inside to check if all the kids bags were packed as the driver would be dropping the shortly from school and I didn't want any issues. I finished packing and put on some sneakers and a cardigan to look respectable.
Time skip the meeting
What I didn't expect to see when we got to the Ngcobo's Homestead was My parents sitting with the Ngcobo's laughing and drinking some tea. Lawrence had Nkosiyabo in his arms while I had ndalo in mine. We greeted and the kids went to the playroom while we were left with my parents and Mah and Baba.
"Makoti your father in law told me thar you asked for this meeting and I thought it would be appropriate for your parents to also be present in this meeting" Mah said with a smirk on her face.
"Yes Ntanami we thought it would be best that me and your mother also join the meeting. Now who is that young man sitting next to you" My father asked.
"He is my husband to be Lawrence Maleka" I said smiling at my babyyy
"What!!!you are getting married again? I thought this meeting was to fix things between you and kwenzo" my stepmother shouted.
"I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not going back to that abuser I'm done with the reason why I  called this meeting is because Lawrence here wants to pay lobola/bride price for me and we need clearance as to do it to the Ngcobo's or the Khumalo's." I said looking at them.
"Uyahlanya wena ntombazana you have to fix things with kwenzo otherwise I lose my position In the Ngcobo's company" my dad shouted.
"Please with all due respect don't speak to my woman like that. Why would she want an abuser for a husband? Now I don't have all day to sit here and keep letting you rant like some fafee woman. Can we please get to the point as to why we are here." Lawrence shouted with his big voice shutting everyone up immediately.
"Okay well according to culture your bride price has to be paid to the Ngcobo's as you were one if their children and we need to cleanse you Thulisiwe" Bab'Ngcobo said in the most humble voice.
"Ohh okay Baba when can we do all of this?" Lawrence asked I could hint the annoyance in his voice.
"As soon as you want it to be"
"Next week is okay we need to finish with this lobola thing"  Lawrence said.
"Okay no problem see you next week then and makoti you must arrive the day before" mah said
"Okay we will leave right now and please mah don't call me makoti I'm not your makoti anymore

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