Chapter 50

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That's  what kwenzo was feeling right now. He was in the waiting room at the hospital and Mavis was with their banele. Faith was badly bruised and unconscious when she was brought in by him. Every nurse and doctor that was treating faith knew that this was a case of domestic violence. The Ngcobo's rushed in the hospital as soon as they heard that faith was hospitalized.
"Kwenzo my baby what happened" mah asked hugging him.
"It was a mistake mah I didn't mean to hurt her! She was going to leave me" he said sobbing like a small little child which pissed his father off.
"What do you mean when you say it was a mistake? Kwenzo umshayile ufaith?(did you beat her?) Baba asked fuming.
"I didn't mean too Baba the argument go out of control and one thing led to the other" he said sobbing
"Ithini kwenzokuhle? Phinda lento oqeda ukuyisho!!" His father shouted livid. Kwenzo was saved by the doctor that was treated faith that came to give them an update.
"Family of Faith Ngcobo" she asked and they nodded.
"Doctor how is my wife?"
"Unfortunately I don't have good news with me here I have her x-rays. And it's not looking good which is why she is in the intensive care unit.

"If you look closely you will see that she has 3 broken ribs in her left ribcage" she said showing the the x-ray scans of her body

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"If you look closely you will see that she has 3 broken ribs in her left ribcage" she said showing the the x-ray scans of her body.

"If you look closely you will see that she has 3 broken ribs in her left ribcage" she said showing the the x-ray scans of her body

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"She also has a broken ankle which is her right ankle. Her body is covered in bruises and scars and we as a hospital are forced to call in the authorities because this is a serious case of gender based violence." The doctor said scaring kwenzo.
"No please don't call the police we will deal with this as a family" mah said begging the doctor
"I'm sorry mam but it's against the hospital policy to do that in cases like this. So the police officer will be with your wife as soon she wakes up"
With that being said the doctor left the family there. They all left to go home and get some food and immediately when they got home shit hit the fan.
"Kwenzokuhle Ngcobo woza la" Baba called him out he was super mad.
"Yebo baba"
"So you beat woman now? You beat defenseless woman wena manje" he shouted veryy angryyy.
"It was a mistake dad I didn't mean too" just as he finished saying that Baba started beating him up with kwenzo crying out.
"MAHHH!!" Kwenzo screamed as his father beat him up with a sjambok
"Ngcobo uyamlimaza" mah said screaming trying to stop Baba from beating kwenzo by now everyone was in the lounge watching the scene. Baba stopped beating him and turned to mah.
"You have spoiled this boy and now he is a woman beater and you are still defending him. Le ngane yakho angazi ukuthi iyi fundephi lemkhuba yakhe. Now you listen to me carefully you won't escape this you are going to get punished for your sins and if you ever try to save him just know that we are over." With that said Baba left. Leaving kwenzo crying on the floor in his mother's arms.
"Mah why does Baba hate me like this?" Kwenzo questioned his mother.
"He doesn't hate you mntanami but what you did to that girl was wrong and you know that I hate abuse kwenzo I cannot get you out of this one. I can't lose my marriage because of this reckless behavior of yours. I'm sorry my child."
His mother helped him up and helped him get to his room why she left and went to her bedroom where she found her husband lying on the bed.
"Velile" he never calls Her by her name unless he is mad at her.
"I'm sorry baba"
"Sorry for what exactly Velile?"
"For spoiling Kwenzokuhle and not listening to you when you told me that this will come back to bite me in the end. I was trying to make him feel loved as the middle child but I overdid it and I'm sorry myeni wami please forgive me" she said crying at the door she finally realized that her actions were wrong and she overdid alot of thing when it came to Kwenzokuhle.
"You know what to do in order to fix this now come here and stop crying you know that I don't like to see you crying it breaks my heart"  she went to her husband and hugged him
6 hours later
The Ngcobo's were sitting and having dinner and kwenzo came down to join them. No one dared to speak to him. Everyone was disappointed and digusted by him. He sat down and decided to speak.
"I'm sorry for everything I have done. I did a lot of bad things and I have hurt and disappointed  you guys and I'm ashamed of myself and have decided to turn myself in for everything I did to faith and I beg you that you please take care of my children" after saying that kwenzo asked the driver to drive him to the police station and he turned himself in. He loved his mother and didn't want to hurt her so he did this for her.
Thulisiwe Pov
Shaderoom post

The infamous Ngcobo brother #KwenzokuhleNgcobo turned himself in for abusing his wife #FaithNgcobo who is currently in hospital fighting for her life

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The infamous Ngcobo brother #KwenzokuhleNgcobo turned himself in for abusing his wife #FaithNgcobo who is currently in hospital fighting for her life. After her husband beat her up mercilessly after he got enrage by the news of his ex wife getting engaged.

"Yhoo babe come see this" I shouted for Lawrence who was in the closet.
"What is wrong? Why are you shouting?"
"Here look at the latest shaderoom post"
"What!!! This guy is crazyyyyy"
"Oh God we need to go back home I'm worried about the kids"
"Yes I will call the pilot to get the jet ready"
"How can he do something so cruel to her?"
"I don't know why baby but I don't want you to stress about it"
"I'm just scared baby"
"Don't worry this baby everything will be fine and you know how karma is. It's dealing with both of them for what they did to you in the most unpleasant way."

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