Chapter 29

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We left Greece Santorini in the early hours of the morning. I was extremely exhausted and I just hoped that I wasn't going to give birth in this jet we have been on air for 8hrs now just 4 more hours to go and we will be landing in south africa. Right now I'm covered in a blanket sitting with bukhosi since kwenzo is working.
"Bhuti are you okay?" I asked because he hasn't been himself since the mbali incident.
"I still hurt but I will be fine" He said looking back to the book he was reading.
"You know that you can always talk to me right? Don't ever say your fine when you are definitely not"
"I'm still in disbelief that mbali would hurt me like this I loved her heck I still do"
"But is your love is toxic bro you feel like you need her because she has been your comfort zone for 5 years now its time to move on. You did all you could for this relationship but it didn't work out and it's not the first relationship to not work out so don't beat yourself up like this" I said to him wiping his tears
"Kwenzo is so lucky to have you Thulisiwe you are a good woman" he said
"I hope he knows that" I said and we both started laughing
"I'm sure he does I can see by the way he looks at you that he knows that he is lucky and thank you for the advice" he said and went back to reading his book.
I just read a book for new mothers and everything just so I could get ready for the birth of my little cub. I cannot wait to hold him in my arms.
Back in south africa
After we landed back in south africa mah and ubaba just went straight to their house in Sandton. I didn't even know that they had a house in joburg. Oh well Busiseka and Nkosiyabo took Smangaliso and Buhlebendalo mainly because I was heavily pregnant and couldn't handle her. We got back to our house and eat took a bath and went to sleep.
2am in the morning I couldn't sleep my back ached so I just kept tossing and turning. I stood up to go to the bathroom and I thought I peed on my self Kanti nix my water just broke.
"Kwenzo vuka I'm in labor" I said shaking him
"Hhm just let me sleep" he mumbled turning to face the other side and I just slapped him.
"KWENZOKUHLE NGCOBO WAKE THE FUCK UP!!" I screamed after slapping him and he jumped.
"Kwenze njani manje?" He asked rubbing his face
"Take me to the hospital my water just broke and get the baby bag" I said to him taking deep breathes because I didn't want to panic.
"What! Are you okay? Is the baby coming now?" He asked in a panic
"Just take me to the fucken hospital before I give birth to this child in this room" I said putting on a cardigan and slippers.

He helped me to get to the car and he ran back into the house and took me and the baby's bag and rushed me to the hospital. By the time we got to the hospital I couldn't even walk I was in sooo much pain and just wanted this baby out. We got to the hospital room that we had booked for my delivery and the doctor and the nurse came to check how far long I was.
"Mam you are 6cm diluted and you need to be 10cm diluted for us to be able to deliver the baby" the doctor said.
"What!!! I want this baby out of me right don't tell me that nonsense" I screamed out of frustration.
"Hmmm we will come back after 3 hours to check again" the nurse said
"Can't you give her an epidural can't you see that she is in pain" asked a frustrated kwenzo
"I'm afraid it's too late for that we will have to wait" the  doctor replied and left with the nurse.
"Did you tell the family that I'm in labor?" I asked as I rubbed my belly while doing breathing exercises
"Yes I told Bukhosi to tell everyone" he said.
3hours later
"Please get this baby out of me" I cried out as the nurse came to check if I was fully diluted.
"Let me call the doctor so that we can deliver the baby mam you are fully diluted " she said rushing out it was 6am in the morning at that time. The doctor came in with kwenzo wearing scrabs and ready to deliver this baby.
"Okay mam on the count of 3 when I tell you to push you have to push okay" I nodded frantically with kwenzo holding my hand.
"1 2 3 pushh"
"Ahhhhhh!!!" I pushed feeling like my vagina was tearing  up.
"Okay mam I going to need you to push harder"
"Ahhhhhh God I'm never getting pregnant again" I screamed pushing this big head out
"Okay I see the head I'm going to need a big push from you"
"You can do it Makhumalo" kwenzo said
"Don't tell me that this is the last time I'm giving birth" I screamed
"Okay push mommy so that yoy don't suffocate the child"
"Mwe mwe"*baby cries*
"Congratulations it's a boyyy" the doctor said
"You did it Makhumalo thank you mkami" kwenzo said kissing me
"Here hold your baby mam Congratulations once again" the nurse said putting the baby on my chest.

"Okay mam I going to need you to push harder" "Ahhhhhh God I'm never getting pregnant again" I screamed pushing this big head out "Okay I see the head I'm going to need a big push from you" "You can do it Makhumalo" kwenzo said"Don't tell me that ...

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I just cried oh my word I'm a whole mother
"We are parents again kwenzo" I sobbed
"Yez you did it mama and I'm so proud of you Ngiyabonga Mapholoba" he said kissing my forehead.
"What are we naming him?" I asked him.
"Nkosana Quinton Ngcobo" he said
"Inkosana yethu" I said smiling at our little baby
The arrival of Nkosana Quinton Ngcobo

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