Chapter 46

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Continuation from chapter 45
"Your honor I would like to call the accused on the stand Mrs Faith Ngcobo" Faith's lawyer said trying to save faith from going to jail. He need to win this case for his career to reach new heights. Faith stood on the Stand and took the oath.
"I faith Ngcobo promise to speak nothing but the truth"
"Okay faith can you please tell us what happened on the day ndalo got burned"
"Maria their nanny was busy with her brother and I was on a important call she said she was hungry I told her to wait for Maria while I concluded my call next thing I heard was her screams and Maria rushing with her outside to go to the hospital"
"So she wasn't under your supervision?" Her lawyer asked.
"No she was under Maria supervision"
"Okay your honor that will be all no further questions"
Sandra stood up and approached the witness stand where faith sat.
"Mrs Ngcobo is it true you and My client were bestfriends?"
"Yes but thats a thing of the past"
"Mmh might letting the court know what happened between both of you?"
"We were bestfriend since our nappie days but her husband lost interest in her and slept with me which led to me being pregnant and her finding out about our affair and ending things with him when he asked to take me as a second wife" she said so casually like it was not an abomination.
"Why did you sleep with her husband if she was your bestfriend" Sandra asked putting inverted commers at the word "bestfriend"
"I had just broken up with my boyfriend and it was a heat of the moment it didn't mean anything at that time"
"So you are saying your friendship didn't mean anything at that time?"
"What no that's not what I mean"
"Then what do you mean Mrs Ngcobo?"
"That's not what I'm doing your honor I'm trying to show the court something"
"OBJECTION OVERRULED!!please continue miss stein"
"Now Mrs Ngcobo you are showing the court that you were envious of the life your bestfriend had with Mr Kwenzokuhle Ngcobo. You used the first opportunity you got to sleep with her husband and get pregnant for him not only did you do that. You went on Twitter shaming my client because she didn't want you to be part of her children life as their stepmother. Now and you are saying your are not guilty for Negligence. You have been Malicious and you have every intention to hurt my clients kids in order to hurt her. The CCTV Footage in your house shows what happened on that day In your house and how Buhlebendalo Ngcobo got burned.Now I would suggest you tell the court the truth before I show them the footage.
"Wait what!!"
"Yes please your honor if you will allow me to show you how Mrs Ngcobo here let this little girl get burned under her watch"
"Okay wait I will tell you the truth please don't show them"
"Faith what are you doing" her lawyer was surprised as to why she was doing this. This was not part of the plan
"Please Mr Bopape let me tell them the truth Thulisiwe deserves to know the truth"
"The court is wait Mrs Ngcobo"
"Ndalo was under my supervision when she got burned I had spoken to my mother in law prior to the incident. I was so mad at Thulisiwe for my husband always comparing Me to her so I decided that I would hurt her were it hurts the most her children. I was soo wrong for doing that but I needed her out of my life I have lived in her shadow all my life and I was tired and I needed a break. I'm sorry Thulisiwe I'm sorry for hurting your daughter like that it was wrong of me to do so.
"Well there you have it your honor it would be unfair of to call my other witness will the accused her self has confessed to her sins"
"The court will take a recess for 30minutes then the closing statement will be heard
At recess me, Sandra and Lawrence went to the coffee shop next to the courthouse for some coffee and doughnuts.
"Oh my word Sandra I knee you were I beast but I didn't think you would be able to push her into confessing to her crime" I said to her as we sat down and had our coffee.
"Yes I was also shocked where did you even get the video?" Lawrence asked her
"Who said I had the video? I just played a little mind game on her" Sandra said sipping her coffee
"So you are trying to tell me that you didn't have the video at all?"
"I didn't have it at all"
"Well you played her then babe" I said smiling she might dent my account but it will all be worth it in the end.
"Well 5 minutes left before recess is over so we might as well go back to the courthouse.
We made our way back there and I had full confidence In Sandra that we would win this case. We went back there and then the judge came back the accused side is the one that made the first closing statement.
"Your honor I would firstly like to apologize for my clients behavior and the misconduct she did. She pleaded not guilty whereelse she is and she us very remorseful. She is nine months pregnant and just wanted the freedom to be able to give birth to her child freely. Yes she was wrong and she us willing to bare any cost/cross the jury and yourself your honor decide Thank youu."
"Your honor all my client ever wanted was justice for her daughter not only did the accused side make a mockery out of this courtroom they ridiculed my client. I stood here today wasting all of our time because of a cruel person who is about to be a mother that did something painful to a 4yr little girl. That little girl suffered 3rd degree burns on her whole left arm and she will have to get 6 months word of burned surgery to cover all of that up. She will live with that scar for the rest of her life and I hope the jury and yourself will give a befitting punishment to the accused. Thank you"
Is it me or Sandra is just on fire today? That closing statement was the final nail on Faith's coffin.
"After listening to the arguments made on both sides the court finds Faith Ngcobo Guilty on the charges of negligence. She will have to pay a fine of 10 million for lying under oath and 30 million of hospitals bills and compensation to the damage she caused on that little girl. She is not allowed to be anyway near the kids of the defense and she Is granted house arrest"  what she is not going to prison this judge is insane.
"All rise" we all stood up as the judge and the jury exited the courtroom.
"Thank you Sandra for the amazing work you have done just send your bill to my accountant she will settle it"
"Don't worry the bill has been settled by your man here Lawrence. So we will talk later about the compensation and everything" she hugged me and left me with a Lawrence that had a lot of explaining to do.
"So Mr you settled Sandra's bill?" I said looking at him in his eyes. This man is sooo tall you guys.
"Well I wouldn't be a good boyfriend If I let you settle that bill muntuza" he said hugging me.
"Well thank you and you still havnt asked me to be your girlfriend yet so whose boyfriend are you konje"
"Don't worry soon mama soon"
"Mmmh kumnandi nerh" the one and only kwenzo said looking at the disgusted.
"Should you be busy with your pregnant wife kwenzo? What do you want?" I said looking at him.
"Ujola nalesi sihlama Thulisiwe?"
"How is that any of your business wena? Ungaro ngijwayela kabi kwenzokuhle"
"Well I don't want him near my kids siyezwana!" He said grabbing my hand tightly.
"Yeyii wena!! Let go of her hand you wealking piece of shit. She is my woman and I wouldn't do that if I was you unless you want to meet your ancestors" roared a very angry Lawrence. Pulling me away from this psycho.
"What did you say to me?"
"You heard me now leave before I do something I won't regret. Do forget who I am kwenzo I will erase you from the face of the earth and no one would ever find you" with that said we left. What did he mean by that? I've never been with a man like him that stood up for me.

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