Chapter 34

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The Day After The Launch
I married a very selfish man it pains me to even call him my husband. I thought I would find him at home waiting for me since the kids are at their grandparents but no he didn't sleep at home last night. I have cried and prayed for this marriage but I'm done making it work right now I'm going to put me and my kids first.
I just finished bathing I'm getting ready to pick up my kids. And kwenzo decided to walk in after not coming back home.
"I want a divorce" that is the first thing I said to him
"Yini? Phinda lento oqeda ukuyisho manje" he said shocked.
"I said I want a divorce I'm tired kwenzo I can't keep leaving like this I want out of this whole bullshit" I said wearing my sneakers.
"Ayikho nje into oyikhulumayo uyakhohlwa ukuthi uyihlo ukuthengisile? Akukho lapho uyakhona wena" he said preparing to take a shower.
"Ngizo khohlwa kanjani ukuhlezi ungikhumbuza? I want a healthy relationship something you clearly cannot give me kwenzo. This relationship is only beneficial to you only our kids don't even see you anymore nkosana thinks nkosiyabo and bukhosi are his father's and not you because he doesn't know you. Yesterday it was my launch party and you decided to be spiteful and not come. You are a weak and coward man wena" I screamed at him for all the frustration I've had for the past 3 months.
"Ubiza bani nge coward Makhumalo?" He said fuming
"Wena yini uzoyenzani? Uzongishaya?" I said looking at him straight in his eyes
"Nxn uma ufuna ngikubhebha usho Makhumalo ngizo dealer nawe manje" he said coming closer to me
" You are the last man I want to have sex with now please excuse I need to go fetch my babies since I'm their only parent" I said walking.

I got into my car and left to Sandton to my in laws house. I cried the whole way there thank God I was not wearing any make up because I would be a mess right now. I was tired of this whole marriage I wanted out I am done letting this man walk all over me. I arrived and made sure to wear my eye glasses so it would look like my eyes are acting up. I walked in the house and found my prince sleeping and the girls watching Cocomelon.
"Hello babies" I said walking to them
"Mommmy" ndalo screamed running to me I crotched down to her leave to hug her.
"How are you my baby? Mommy missed you' I said kissing her all over her face.
"I missed you too mommy where is daddy?" She asked looking behind me hoping to see her father.
"Daddy is at home waiting for you guys to come back" I lied hoping to find him at home tonight.
"Really? Yess I can't wait let me go wear my shoes so that we can go home to daddy" she said running back to Smangaliso she looked so happy and I really hoped kwenzo wouldn't disappoint her. Mah came in with Baba holding hands.
"Hawu makoti ufike nini?" Baba asked
"Sawubona baba ngiqeda ukufika manje ngizo Landa ingane uyise wazo uzikhumbulile" I half lied.
"Hawu uphi yena ukwenzokuhle? Yazi Kalama langa angatholeki" mah said.
"Uyamazi ukwenzokuhle mah ukuthi usebenza kakhulu kanjani kodwa ngimshiye endilini" I said with the most fakest smile.
"Haii khulungile keh makoti sezizo bonana kuleviki elizayo" with that said I took my kids because apparently Busiseka and Nkosiyabo were going to pick up sma for a family picnic day. I wish we could do that as a family but I guess I have to do it with my kids only kwenzo excluded.

I took the kids to wimpy for some milkshakes and we had so much fun. We then went to buy clothes and toys by the time we had to go home it was 18h30pm and we went home and got there by 19h30. When we got off the car ndalo ran in to see her dad but unfortunately he was not there.
"Mommy where is daddy? You said he is here" she said crying my heart broke at that instant.
"I don't know baby he said he was going to wait for you guys. I'm sorry baby" and with that nkosana started crying too.
"Why is he not here Mommy? Does daddy not love Mr anymore?" She sobbed harder making her brother cry to I was soo overwhelmed I started crying too.
" He does love you baby he is just busy with work okay and you know that Mommy loves you right"
"Yes" she said still crying
" And Mommy doesn't like it when you cry it hurts Mommy baby" I said wiping her tears.
" Okay I won't cry anymore Mommy I promise" she said still crying softly.
" I love you guys okay" I said kissing their foreheads.
" we love you too" ndalo replied and nkosana just gave me a toothless smile.

I gave them so milk and put them to sleep in their room. And went to my bedroom I took a bath put on my pj's and called my realtor.
"Hey Sam how are you?"
"I'm good Mrs Ngcobo is everything okay you never call this late" she said in a sleepy voice.
" I'm soo sorry to wake you up Sammy but I need you to find me a townhouse in Sandton in a very private estate by tomorrow"
"Oh okay mam I will do that and get back to you but you know it's going to cost you right?"
" Yes I do but money is not a problem just do it please it's urgent"
"Okay mam Goodnight"
"Thanks Sam Goodnight"
After that call I got on my knees and started pray.
"Heavenly father I come before you today with a very heavy heart. I have tried making this marriage work but seeing Mt kids cry today for their absent father made me realize that I cannot stay in this toxic marriage. God please forgive me for divorcing this man and please protect me and my kids in this new journey we are about to take in the mighty name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen."
After praying i went to sleep but I knew one thing was for sure that I'm leaving this toxic house and marriage it was not a healthy environment for my babies.
One of the most emotional chapter I've written so far. Absent fathers are damaging alot of kids out there
But anyways thank you for the get well wishes guys you are the best

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