Chapter 26

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"Well it looks like we are nolonger going to banjee jumping" I said drinking my orange juice.
"What no ways I wanted to do that so bad" nkosiyabo said and mah looked at him with this look that said shut up.
"No we are still going guys we should give bukhosi and his wife a chance to talk things out so its better If we start leaving now" kwenzo said standing up ohh well we all stood up took oud things and went to our cars to go to the banjee jumping place which was like an hours drive.
"Mbali what do you mean when you say we are getting a divorce?" A fuming and confused bukhosi asked
"I mean exactly that bukhosi I don't want to be a mother I don't even dream about being one that why I had an abortion before coming on this trip. All you keep talking about is being a father so it's clear that we have different goals so it's better we get a divorce my lawyer will send yours the divorce paper" she said as she finished packing
"What do you mean abortion?Mbalenhle you killed my child? How could you do that to me after every single thing I did and sacrificed for you Mbalenhle you went ahead and killed my child" bukhosi said falling down on his knees crying.
"I'm sorry but I couldn't keep it angifuni ingane mina" she said looking at him.
"I married you when my parents didn't want me too. I saved your life when your uncle wanted to sell you when everyone turned their backs on you I stood by you mbali. I helped you reach every single goal and dream you had and you deprived me of the one single thing I have asked from you mbali. I have never cheated on you I have always been the husband I vowed to be on that alter and you still killed my child. I have sacrificed and compromised in this marriage and you didn't do that and you hurt me like this? I gave you my heart and you broke it" he said crying he was so broken he had given mbali everything and all she did was hurt him in return. Mbali and successful broken buhosi.
"I'm really sorry bukhosi but I have to go take care of yourself" she said and pushed her luggage and left leaving him crying there like a little child. He had never cried like this in his life.
They all got strapped up while me and the kids sat with mah having some drinks. I could tell mah was mad about bukhosi and Mbalenhle's situation but hayi keh this is life and it happens to everyone.
"Mah are you okay" I asked her because wow it was awkward seeing her like this.
"Yes I'm fine thuli how is baby Ngcobo" she asked smiling a little
"He is playing soccer in my belly and I can not wait for him to come out I'm really tired now of being pregnant " I said rubbing my tummy
"Don't worry it will be all worth it when you hold him in your arms trust me" she said
"I cannot wait for that moment" I said and we continued talking about babies then we heard kwenzo scream I got a little scared so I stood up to check on him.
"Don't worry he is fine just sit down "mah said
"But wait If he fell or something?" I asked with a serious tone getting worried.
"Relax and don't stress I know this kids they love playing too much" she said smiling
They all came back from the jumping and I just stood up and started checking on kwenzo.
"Baby are you okay? I heard you scream and I got scared are you hurt anywhere? I asked him while checking him for any bruises.
"Yes I'm fine and I'm not hurt I screamed because of how crazy that jump was baby now relax" he said as everyone laughed at me.
"Relax pregnant mommy you are going to stress our baby" Busiseka said laughing with nkosiyabo
"Mxm whatever baby can you please take my picture" I asked kwenzo
"Yes only if you will take mine too" he said smiling
"Okay" we took each other's pictures and I decided to post myself on his Instagram.

Kwenzokuhle_Ngcobo: Nabenu abafazi banje? 💕💙Mama ka boyy🍼💙90k people liked this postThembinkosi Mthembu: Mapholoba umfazi ka bafo❤️

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Kwenzokuhle_Ngcobo: Nabenu abafazi banje? 💕💙Mama ka boyy🍼💙
90k people liked this post
Thembinkosi Mthembu: Mapholoba umfazi ka bafo❤️

Thulisiwe_Ngcobo:Ubaba ka boyza💙🍼900k people liked this post Comments disabled " Ngiyabona ukuthi uzi postile mamazi" he said holding me by my waist"Well kwamele abantu bazi ukuthi ushadile phela" I said kissing him

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Thulisiwe_Ngcobo:Ubaba ka boyza💙🍼
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" Ngiyabona ukuthi uzi postile mamazi" he said holding me by my waist
"Well kwamele abantu bazi ukuthi ushadile phela" I said kissing him.
"Mmh jealous much" he said laughing
"No I'm just possessive over my assets" I said to him
"Mmh okay we about to find out tonight how possessive you are because right now umuhle ungenza ngifune ukubhebha khona manje" he whispered in my ear.
"No stop it mahn you are making me horny kwenzo" I whined
"Well too bad your going to have to wait until late tonight after the beach" he said laughing at me this guys is not serious.
"Okay lovebirds let's go back to the house so that we can go to the beach" Baba said laughing at us making me blush.
We got back on the road 1 hour later we were at the house. We entered and we had a scream come from bukhosi's room and ubaba and the guys ran to his room and we followed them to find bukhosi sobbing like a child. What the hell is going on here.
"Ohh my baby what's wrong?" Mah asked as she crouched down on the floor and holding him while he sobbed.
"She killed my child mah after everything I did for her she had an abortion and killed my child" he sobbed painful my heart broke seeing him like that. I started crying while hugging kwenzo I never thought I would see bukhosi like this.
"It's okay baby mommy is here and your family is here okay let it out my child" he just cried and Busiseka took the kids while kwenzo took me to our room.
"Thula phela nawe mama ka boyza" kwenzo said I could tell he was also hurt.
"I knew mbali could be heartless but I didn't think she would do something so painful to bukhosi she broke him" i sobbed bukhosi was a big brother to me and seeing him like that just hurt me.
"Yeah bukhosi has been the best husband to her and all he wanted was to be a father but mbali deprived him off that opportunity" he said looking really sad.
"It's just painful to watch him like that" I said to him
"Please promise me you will never have a abortion no matter how much we fight please don't kill an innocent soul for that" he was looking at me he wanted to cry I could tell
"I promise I will never do that and I will never leave you if yoh promise to never leave me" I said holding his hands
"I promise"" he said and we sealed it with a kiss
In this part of the story we experience a broken bukhosi who gave mbali' everything but she still hurt him and killed an innocent soul. A baby that bukhosi longed for and wait for from mbali for 5 whole years

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