Chapter 37

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Continuation from chapter 36
I played me myself and I on my way to my lawyers office after dropping off the divorce papers. I felt like a huge burden had been lifted off my shoulders. And I was finally being my own person I was finally becoming independent something I have wished for since my mother's passing. I got to my lawyers office and went straight to his office after passing his secretary.
"Mr Glober hi" I said shaking his hand.
"Thulisiwe hi how did it go? Please have a seat"
"It went well I found him with his mistress and just served him with divorce paper"
"Mmh okay it didn't get any physical right?"
"Nah I'm not that type of a lady I don't lay my hands on filthy people"
"Ohh okay so I checked the contract that you guys signed while getting married and found a couple of loopholes"
"Ohh really that good news so that means we can get this divorce to be settled outside the court room right?"
"Yes we can I will just speak to his lawyer today about it"
"So what are those loopholes?"
"Well your contract clearly states that if one partner is unfaithful the other party can leave. It's like a prenuptial agreement of some sort. So because he cheated in the public it gives us a lot of advantage"
"Whew! Thank God ohh well thank you Mr Glober you will call me for the other details right now I need to go see my kids"
"Okay mommy bear have a lovely day"
"Same applies to you Mr Glober"
I shook his hand and walked out of that office building more confident than ever. I was doing this for me and leaving that selfish man. I got home to the kids making noise and nkosana was busy smiling. I just felt content.
"Hey guys I'm back"
"Mommy I missed you soo much" said my little princess
"I missed you too how was school?"
"It was good we learned some numbers and abc'"
"Mmh that's good baby go play with sma while I talk with aunty b"
"Mngani how did it go?"
"Arghh I found him with faith on his lap kissing it was so painful to take in that scene but I had to be confident and act like i wasn't affected"
"It's not going to be easy babe but you need to do this for you this man hasn't spent time with his 3 month old son and he is acting like he is the father of  the year"
"Yeah your right it just hurts because I really loved him I don't want to lie but I guess he didn't deserve my love"
"Yeah don't beat yourself up about it anyways there is a family meeting about this whole matter tomorrow I was informed to let you know that you need to show up"
"Oh my word! A family meeting for what mara? Mxm they must just leave me alone"
"Just show up mngani because they will keep pestering you to come".
"Mmh fine"
"Yeah it's getting late we have to go see you tomorrow at the family meeting"
"Okay bye"
Busiseka left and it was me and the kids since Maria was already done for the day. I took a bath with ndalo while nkosana was lying on his playmat when we were all done we had some pasta and meatballs for dinner.
"Mommy when are we going to see daddy?" Asked a very curious ndalo.
"tomorrow baby at granny's house"
"Yess! Are we going to live with him again?"
"No baby mommy and daddy have decided to live separately so that you guys can have two homes"
"Hmm okay"
"Yes now finish your dinner so that you can go to bed and tomorrow is school for you"
"Okayy mommy"
We finished our dinner i read both of them a bed time story and they just fell asleep. I tuck both of them in before going to my room and calling it a night
The Next Morning
I woke up and got ndalo ready for school good thing she is still in early development and she will join school next year. I got her ready In a cute outfit since on Fridays they wear civves.

We had breakfast and nkosiyabo came to take her to school since he takes Smangaliso to school he offered to take her also

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We had breakfast and nkosiyabo came to take her to school since he takes Smangaliso to school he offered to take her also. I woke nkosana up and gave him a bath and some milk for breakfast. After that Maria took him and played with him while I did some work around 4pm nkosiyabo told me that he will go with ndalo to the grandparents house and we would meet there. I took a bath and changed nkosana's clothes.

 I took a bath and changed nkosana's clothes

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We left and went to this stupid family meeting

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We left and went to this stupid family meeting. When I got there everyone was there besides kwenzo. Just as we were sitting and having refreshments. The man of the moment walked in with his entourage being my parents and his mistress. Everyone was shocked except for me.
"Daddyyyy" ndalo screamed ruining to her father who picked her up and hugged her.
"Hi daddy's princess how are you?"
"I'm happy now that I see you daddy"
"I'm glad princess"
"Daddy do you nolonger love me and nkosi? You don't come to my school events mommy is the only one there and we don't see you at home" the moment she said that i felt like crying my own daughter noticed her father's absence
"I'm sorry princess daddy has been busy but u promise that I will come okay? Now go play with sma" with that said ndalo got out of her father's arms and ran to the playroom where ndalo was.
"Mah nawe Baba Bengisacela ukubuza ukuthi ngibizelweni lana?" I asked because no one was saying anything.
"Sibeze wena nomyeni wakho ukuthi sizo cazilula leyinkinga eninazo" mah said
"We have already sorted them out and I'm taking a second wife" kwenzo said with confidence.
"No we are getting a divorce I'm not going to be in a polygamous marriage and I'm done with your good for nothing cheating ass"
"Haibo Thulisiwe ungakhulumi nomkhwenya kanjalo" my father responded.
"Please stop standing up for this man I have put up with his nonsense for far to long and all you keep doing is defending him like he is some god why can't you defend me your own daughter?" I asked my father
"Because you signed a contract that said only death will do you guys apart" my stepmother responded
"Yes ao stop this madness and come back home with my kids" kwenzo shouted.
"The contract also states that If one partner is unfaithful and causes the other partner unhappiness that other partner can leave so I'm leaving moss you have the wife you want next to you so please leave he alone I'm tired."
"But what about my shares and position in the company? Don't do this to me Thulisiwe.
"You have never cared about me unless you stood to benefit something. Right now you are defending the man who broke your daughters heart and cheated on multiple occasions and is sitting with his mistress all because of some share! Anever shame I'm leaving you kwenzo whether you like it or not I will not stay with a selfish egotistical man who thinks he is God. I'm done with everything this meeting included. The kids will still cone and see you as their father but that is all."
I didn't wait for anyone's response I just stood up and took  my kids and left.

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