Chapter 16

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I started packing my clothes I was tired of this houses and this whole nonsense. I called Tom the pilot to get the jet ready she can enjoy her birthday without me. Kwenzo can marry his mother for all I cared I went into ndalo's room and packed her bags and asked the helper to take our bags downstairs. I carried ndalo and went downstairs when we got there the was kwenzo standing looking really mad.

"Yini lento oyenzayo Makhumalo?" He shouted alerting the whole family to come to where we are.
"Yeyii ngiyahamba Mina ngikhathele manje angeke ngize ngihlale lana ngigafunwa khona" I said walking towards the door.
"Awuyi ndawo Makhumalo akhukho lapho uyakhona sizohlale phansi singumndeni sikhulume ngalendaba"
"Kwenzo until you grow so balls and be a man and stop letting your mom degrade me like she does then we will talk. I'm taking undalo siphindela eGoli uzosithola khona uma ubuya kodwa Mina namhlanje ngiyahamba" just as I was about to leave ubaba spoke
"Makoti bengisacela ukuthi sihlale phansi siludikide lolu daba uma usafuna ukuhamba sizo kuyeka uhambe" Baba said
"Kulungile asihlaleni phansi"

We went to the dinning area and sat down and Baba asked me why I was leaving.
"Ngikhathele Baba ukuthi ngivumele umah angiphathe ngalendlela angiphatha ngayo. Yingoba Mina nginge naye umama ozongilwela Mina umah engiphatha kanjena? Ngathi ngimshayela ucingo ngalendaba ka Kwenzokuhle nomakwapheni wakhe wangitshela ukuthi ngibhekezele. Akukho lapho angibuze khona ukuthi Mina ngizizwa kanjani kuso sonke lesikathi bese uzongibinekela ngokuthi angimtshela ukuthi ngimithi. Angeke ngikwazi ukuhlala lana Mina Baba ngiyahamba." I said as tears kept falling
" Ngiyaxolisa ngane yami ngokuthi uzizwa kanjena futhi ngiyamxolisela umkami makoti ngalendlela eziphethe ngayo kukini nawe lana ekhaya ngane yami" Baba said
"I'm also sorry ngane yami for not being there when you needed me as a mother I let my emotions get the better of me and with that said I'm sorry"
"It's okay mah but I would still like to leave thank you for the hospitality but I'm taking my daughter and we are going back to joburg and please don't try to stop me I need time to heal and to check if my baby is still fine. Enjoy your birthday mah"

With that said I stood up and took ndalo in my arms and went to the car with kwenzo following behind me.
"Baby let's talk about this"
"We will talk about it at home in our house if not there then I'm leaving"
"Okay please leave ndalo behind you know how much mah would want her to be here when  she celebrates her birthday."
"Out take her then" I handed ndalo to him and asked the driver to offload her bags and I got in and left.

I got to the airport go in the plane and went home was I feeling bad for leaving? No because I was tired I knew mah was faking her apology that's why I didn't stay I just want my bed and I will be fine. The plane landed I got into one of the cars and drove home. I played Beyonce's songs all the way and I felt good for choosing myself over them I was tired of putting people first. I knew I was going to be trending later today for not attending mah's party but then I don't care.

I got home and called the realtor to check if she found an office space for my business. I got ready for bed but not before having a scrumptious meal and slept.
Back at kzn
Kwenzo was soo mad at himself for letting his wife leave without fighting her and mad at his mother for the way she treated his pregnant wife. He started packing his bag he was leaving first thing tomorrow morning to fix things with his wife.

He also didn't attend the party because it didn't feel right doing it without his wife. Just as everyone was about to leave but they were waiting on him they asked the maid to call him to come downstairs.  He came down in pj's and his mother lost it.
"Yini manje le oyenza kwenzo ufuna ukungiphathisa ngenhliziyo manje? Hambo qoka sihambe" she said sternly
"Akhukho lapho ngiyakhona mah hambani ningishiye ngisa funa ukukhuluma nomfazi wami okhulelwe omphathe kabi mah"
"Ngixolisile njena manje ufuna ngenzeni"
"Ngifuna ukuthi nihambe ningishiye ngiyolungisa umshado wami ngaphambi kokuthi umosheke"

With that said he turned his back and went back to his room. But not before telling Tom to be ready to fetch him and ndalo. He kept thinking of how to make it up to his wife all night he hardly slept. Next Morning he woke up go ready and also got his daughter ready they left before anyone could wake up so that he could find his wife still sleeping
Makhumalo is finally putting herself first and it's proving to cause some problems in the Ngcobo family.

Stay tuned to find out what happens next!!!
Sorry for the later update

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