Chapter 36

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A week later
It's been a week since I moved out of that toxic house and marriage and boy my kids have been so happy. They never ask about their dad I think they understand what's going on. I know this co parenting is going to be hard for them but I know my kids they will understand. So right now ndalo is at school and nkosana is napping that child sleeps a lot. I decided to post him on my Instagram.
Instagram post

Thulisiwe _Khumalo: My little prince🥺🤎🍼100k people liked this postComments disabled Yes I changed my Instagram handle from Ngcobo back to Khumalo

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Thulisiwe _Khumalo: My little prince🥺🤎🍼
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Yes I changed my Instagram handle from Ngcobo back to Khumalo. Just as I was scrolling I saw something that shook me to the core.
The shaderoom

The shaderoom: ohhh Chile! Kwenzokuhle Ngcobo was spotted looking cozy with his wife's bestfriend Faith Gumede

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The shaderoom: ohhh Chile! Kwenzokuhle Ngcobo was spotted looking cozy with his wife's bestfriend Faith Gumede. They were spotted at KOL restaurants kissing and laughing. What happened to his marriage#cheating # where is Thulisiwe ngcobo?
Mihlali_N: haibo this guys! I'm super disappointed in him shame.
Busiseka_Ngcobo: yini lamasimba mara?

I was soo shocked I didn't realize I was crying. I trusted faith with my life and she betrayed me in the worst possible way. I wanted to stand up and drink some alcohol and get drunk but then I remembered that I would be hurting my babies. I couldn't believe kwenzo! He could have cheated with anyone but instead he chose my close friend and it hurt soo much seeing their pictures and videos in that video.
"Babe are you okay? Where are you?" That's the first thing Busiseka asked.
"Please come friend I will send you my location" I said sobbing. My heart was shattered
"Okay I will bring ice cream and sour worms okay!" She said hanging up.
End of phone call conversation
It literally took her 20 minutes tops to get at my house. When I opened the door she just hugged me and I broke down falling down on the floor in her arms.
"Was I that bad a wife that he would cheat with my bestfriend Busiseka? I did everything he wanted I was the best mother to ndalo I gave him a child and all he did was cheat on me with my bestie" I sobbed my heart was broken it felt like that time I lost my mother.
"No chomii you were good to him it's his loss that he could appreciate you and love you how you are suppose to be loved. Now you are not going to allow that scumbag make you feel sorry for yourself. You have managed to moved out now you can manage to divorce him thuli." She said running my back
"What about my kids B they will be confused I'm soo scared" I said as we stood up and entered the house.
"They will understand that their mother put them and herself first and protected them from  being raised in a toxic situation that could have ruined their child hood Thuli" she said eating the sour worms she came with
"Yeah you are right I need to end this toxic situation right now let me call my lawyer."

Phone call with the lawyer
"Mr Glober how are you?"
"Ahh Thuli I'm good thanks and yourself?"
"I'm good too I wanted to ask if you are done drafting my divorce settlement?"
"Yes they are on their way as we speak as you said you wanted to deliver them yourself to you soon to be ex husband"
"Okay Mr Glober thank you so much I will talk to you after delivering the paper"
"Okay no problem thuli good bye"
End of the phone call
"The lawyer said the paper are on their way here so let me go get ready I need to look hot when delivering these papers"  I said to Busiseka
"Okay boo I'm proud of you my friend for standing your ground and putting yourself first"
"I wouldn't have done it without your support b"
"I will always be there for there for you thuli  you are the sister I have always wished to have"
"I love you sisters"
"I love you too"
I went upstairs took a shower and I decided I was going to looked smoking hot. It was time to show kwenzo what he lost.

"Whew Chile! He is going to faint when he sees you mngani" Busiseka said "Well that's the plan" "Ohh here the papers were delivered when you were in the shower so I took them on your behalf but I didn't open them"" Don't worry I trust you love so ...

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"Whew Chile! He is going to faint when he sees you mngani" Busiseka said
"Well that's the plan"
"Ohh here the papers were delivered when you were in the shower so I took them on your behalf but I didn't open them"
" Don't worry I trust you love so are you going with me or you are babysitting?"
"I will babysit I will fetch the girls with nkosana and we can meet at Spur for lunch with the kids"
"Okay I will be done by then wish me luck friend"
"Good luck mngani"
I kissed nkosana a goodbye kiss and got into the car and drove to his office which was like 30/40 minutes away from my house.

When I got in there everyone turned to look at me and I knew they were gossiping about me but I didn't care they could go fly kites for all I care. I got in the elevator and pressed the 20th floor where his office is. When I got there the secretary tried to stop me from entering but I just gave her one look and she backed off. When I entered his office there he was kissing my ex bestfriend.
"Mmh what a lovely sight" I said sitting on the couch which sacred them a bit.
"Umh chomii I can explain it's not what it looks like" faith said
"Who are you calling chomii? Definitely not me wena sfebe" I said to her
"I'm sorry Thuli it was a moment of weakness my love you know that I love you" the man of the moment said
"Love me?wena? That's impossible my love that's why j have decided to give you and your mistress to be together" I said smiling
"What! You are going to allow me to take her as my second wife?
"Oh even better I'm going to allow you to have her as the only wife"
"What do you mean Thulisiwe I don't understand"
"Here are the divorce papers signed and sealed" I said slapping them on his chest
"Ini uyahlanya wena" he screamed
"Don't try me wena kwenzo you don't want to see what I'm capable off now if you still want to see your kids you will sign this divorce paper"
"I will do no such"
"Mmh okay we will see about that now let me leave you nalesi sfebe sakho"
"When are coming back home Thulisiwe?"
"How about never? I will see you in court" I said leaving the office with him screaming following me to the elevator.
"Thulisiwe stop this madness"
"Out of all the people you could cheat on me with you chose faith who was my bestfriend and your bestfriend's girlfriend yazi uyinja wena Kwenzokuhle"
"It was a mistake mahn Thulisiwe just come back home and we will sort it out as a family"
"Which family are you talking about exactly? You don't have a family wena you have proved that to me and the kids a million times now please if you will excuse me my kids are waiting for me" I walked out of that office building with my head held up high I did. I gave him the divorce paper thank God I have a copy of the contract I signed while Marrying him there is probably some loopholes that can help me
I had to wake up early guys to give you this chapter
I hope you enjoy it

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