Chapter 45

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Today is the court day faith is currently 9 months and for the first time since all of this occurred she is remorseful. She is full of regrets if only she wasn't petty she wouldn't be in court today having whether to decide If she is worthy to be in the outside world with other people. She heard that Thuli got Sandra Stein to represent her and everyone knew that she was a beast in the court room and has never lost a case.  This case was one of the most talked about cases in the country because everyone wanted to know what the verdict will be for faith.

Thulisiwe walked in the court room with Lawrence and her lawyer by her side. Her and Lawrence were still taking things slow and didn't want to rush anything. Kwenzo walked in with his mother and lawyer the other family members went to sit with Thulisiwe as a sign of support. Everyone was shocked by how the other Ngcobos were not supporting their brother/son but his ex wife.

 Everyone was shocked by how the other Ngcobos were not supporting their brother/son but his ex wife

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Thulisiwe looked beautiful kwenzo thought to himself. But she really did look beautiful too bad she decided to date his enemy. His thoughts were cut short as the sheriff walked in
"All Rise!!" Everyone stood up as the judge walked in and sat down them everyone followed in lead.
"Case 5672  Thulisiwe Khumalo filled a case against Faith Ngcobo for Negligence. The defense will be represented by Sandra Stein and the accused will be represented by Bopape. Case handled by Judge Zondo"
"May the defense start with their opening statement followed by the accused"
"Your honor my client here filled a case of negligence against accused leading to the hospitalization of my clients 4yr daughter. My client is a single mother to two kids that she she's with the accused husband and they have a joint custody. Now this woman is a danger to society and I ask that she serves jail time after what she did. Thank you your honor" Sandra sat down.
"Your honor my client is being accused of being negligent by the defense because the defense is still mad at how her marriage ended between my clients husband and her and she is using this opportunity to take revenge. I ask that my client should be realsed as she is 9months pregnant and need to prepare for the birth of her child thank you your honor" Bopape sits down too.
"How does the accused plead?"
"Not guilty"
"Okay we are going to take a 10 minutes recess then we can start!"
"All Rise!!"
They all stood up and went outside until the 10 minutes recess was over.
Thulisiwe Pov
Faith has some nerve she pleaded not guilty I hope she knows what she has started. I'm not going to let her off that easily. I don't play when it comes to my children.The 10 minutes recess was over and we went back inside the courtroom.
Judge Zondo walked in and sat down and we followed suit.
"The accused will start and prove to us how she is innocent" Bopape stood up and started speaking.
"Your honor everyone in this courtroom knows that the marriage between Thulisiwe Khumalo and Kwenzokuhle Ngcobo did not end well because my client was supposed to be taken as a second wife now this led to a divorce between these two parties and a nasty custody battle. The defense is using this as a way to get full custody of her children but also to be spiteful to my clients"
"Objection my honor! My learnered friend here is speculating"
"Objection sustained"
"My apologies your honor I would like to call the first witness Velile Ngcobo to confirm this"
"Go ahead Advocate Bopape" Kwenzo's mother stood up to take the stand. The sheriff stood infront of her with the constitution and she took the oath.
"I Velile Ngcobo promise to speak nothing but the truth today in this courtroom"
"So Velile can you please tell the courtroom about your relation with the accused"
"Your honor the accused is my daughter in law she is married to my second son Kwenzokuhle Ngcobo"
"Okay has the accused ever done anything to endanger the lives of Kwenzokuhle's kids?"
"No she has been a mother to them and loves them like her own she has never done anything to harm them"
"No further questions my lord that will be all"
"Will defense like to question the witness?"
"Yes my lord"
"Mrs Velile Ngcobo you said to the jury and the people in this courtroom that the accused has never done anything to endanger the lives of her husband's children am I right?"
"Yes your right"
"Good now I would love it if you explained your relation with my client Thulisiwe Khumalo"
"Thulisiwe was my daughter in law for a year and a half then she left my son."
"Did you have a good relationship with her?"
"Yes of course she is the mother of my grandchildren" hawuuu the lies Thuli was shocked as the whole ngcobo clan too velile was a good pretender.
"But then I have evidence that you abuse her emotionally especially when she was pregnant with her second child. You tormented her for not behaving how you wanted her too. Do you remember how you treated her when she called you crying about your sons cheating?"
"I treated her like every mother in law would I told her to be strong and fight for her marriage"
"Your honor I would like to show you the chat trend if the court allows me"
"Go ahead Miss Stein"

 Do you remember how you treated her when she called you crying about your sons cheating?""I treated her like every mother in law would I told her to be strong and fight for her marriage""Your honor I would like to show you the chat trend if the c...

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"As you can see your honor the chat trend shows how badly my client was treated. So Mrs Velile Ngcobo Is not a credible witness as she doesn't like my client and is using this platform to discredit my client. No further questions your honor"
She said sitting down She left the whole courtroom shocked as she had a plan and she was going to show faith flames. She was going to fight tooth and nail until she gets justice for that little girl.

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