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As Adam walked out of Voight's office, he heard some noises from the break room

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As Adam walked out of Voight's office, he heard some noises from the break room. He walked into the break room to see Jay asleep on the couch, having what looked like a nightmare. "Jay." Adam said when Jay started whimpering and groaning in his sleep.

"Jay. Hey, man. Wake up." Adam gently nudged jays arm. Jay pushed adams arm out of the way, jumping  up with closed fists into a fighting stance.

"Hey, it's all right. Whoa. Ho Ho Ho! Whoa." Adam cautioned, putting his hands out to stop Jay from attacking him. "You okay? You alright?" Adam asked as Jay collapsed back onto the couch, running his hands across his face. "Yeah, man. I just came in to take a nap." Jay yawned.

"A nap? It's 7:30 in the a.m, man."

Jay looked shocked and checked his watch, as if he didn't believe Adam. "What are you doing here so early?" He asked. "Had to do some paperwork. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, man. It was just.. a bad dream."


"You slept in." Lottie laughed as Spencer quickly ran into the hall, grabbing her gun from the safe. "I know, I'm supposed to be at the district in 10 minutes." She whined, looking for her badge.

"Oh yeah, I mightn't be home tonight so if I don't show up, don't panic." Lottie told her an Spencer frowned. "Why's that?"

"I met this guy. His names Adam, he's a cop." Lottie gushed and Spencer starting coughing on her coffee. "What?" Her sister frowned. "Does he have a last name?"

"Umm.. I'm pretty it's like rowzak or something like that. I'm almost certain he says he works at the 21st." Lottie was wracking her brain for the memory. "I got go, see you." Spencer quickly said, grabbing her leather jacket and leaving the apartment in a blind rage.


"Where's Adam?" Spencer shouted, storming into the unit.

"There, why?" Hailey frowned, pointing as Adam walked in. "Are you serious?" She yelled at him and he frowned. "She's 23 Adam! You're 34! She's barely even an adult!" Spencer screamed, grabbing onto his shirt and shoving him up against a wall.

He definitely underestimated how strong she is.

"What- what are you talking about?" Adam asked, putting his hands up in surrender. "Stay away from her!" She roared, putting her forearm on her chest. "Antonio, put me down!" She protested as everyone tried to separate them, Antonio grabbing her by the waist and dragging her away. "Bro, chill." Atwater tried to calm Adam down as he feared for his life.

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