thirty nine

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 "Hey, Jay?" Spencer called, walking into the room to see Jay walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist

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"Hey, Jay?" Spencer called, walking into the room to see Jay walking out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. "Yeah, babe?" He mumbled, opening the wardrobe.

"Be ready to go in 10, Ray Price was shot at that press conference this morning that Antonio, Kim and Voight went to." She explained, leaning on the doorframe.

"Are they okay?" He asked, glancing over his shoulder. "They are, yeah. But Ray is in surgery at Med still." She answered and he nodded, looking between two shirts, trying to choose.

"The black one." Spencer said, walking over and pointing to the black button up. "Why's that?" Jay chuckled, looking to her.

"You look hot in black." She smirked, leaning in and kissing him. "Black it is." He chuckled once she pulled away, taking the black shirt out of the wardrobe. "If it means that happens more today." He winked at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Just shut up and get ready." She playfully hit his arm before walking out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

"Guys?" Spencer asked the two girls who were in the kitchen. "Blake only gave you guys three weeks furlough. You've been here over a month." Spencer raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms.

"We talked to Blake. They got reliefs in, she wanted us to stay with you." Lana shrugged and Spencer frowned. "Oh yeah?" "Mhm. She was pretty cool about it though. But we're flying back two days after the wedding."
Rachel added and Spencer nodded.

"There it is." She chuckled, sitting down.

"Okay, let's go." Jay announced, running down the stairs.

"Here." Spencer mumbled, handing him his jacket and kissing him. "Black shirt?" He questioned after the unexpected kiss. "Black shirt." She chuckled. "Black shirt." Rachel whistled "I see what you mean." Lana teased and Spencer rolled her eyes.

"You know what? I don't want to know what you people talk about when I'm not around." Jay nervously laughed, walking to the door.


"Okay, we know Ray Price was shot from a distance. The problem is we don't know where the trigger was pulled." Adam shrugged in front of the board.

"It'll be hard tracking the trajectory when the bullets still in Price's shoulder." Jay sassed, sitting on Spencer's desk, coffee in hand.

"No direct witnesses, no shot spotter Pods. We pulled all surveillance. As for motive...." "He's black." Kevin cut Hailey off. "There's that. He's also ahead in the polls. There's a lot of people that don't want him to be mayor."

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