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"Sarge, you got a minute?" Jay sighed, walking toward Voight

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"Sarge, you got a minute?" Jay sighed, walking toward Voight. "Yeah."

"I just wanted to apologise for what happened with Camilla. I put the team in a bad situation. A really bad situation, and it won't happen again. You have my word." Jay apologised lowly, hands in his pockets.

"Okay. But you're on desk duty until further notice and you've got an appointment with a psychiatrist at 1." Voight told him before walking away, Jay sighing.


"She's a Jane doe. Ran her prints; not in the system."
Hailey said when Platt walked into the bullpen.

"Grey, there's a woman downstairs who's asking for you. Claims she's your sister."

Spencer's head shot up and she bolted from her seat, down the stairs. "Lottie? Oh my god. Are you okay? What happened?" She asked, rushing to her sister.

"I-I'm okay, nothing happened. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Lottie apologised, putting her hand on Spencer's arm. "What are you doing here then?"

"I uh- I got out of rehearsals early. I wanted to come see where you work. I probably should've called, I understand if you're busy-" "no, it's okay. I want you to meet everyone." Spencer smiled, taking ahold of her sisters shoulder.

"Woah, that's cool." Lottie chuckled as Spencer scanned her palm.

"Guys, I uh, I want you all to meet somebody. This is Lottie, she's my sister, so be nice." Spencer introduced her sister to the team who all greeted her with welcome smiles. "Antonio." Dawson smiled, shaking Lottie's hand.

"I'm Kim, this is Hailey." Kim introduced herself and the blonde. "Oh yeah, I've heard about you two." Lottie smiled and Kim's eyes widened. "All good things." Spencer rolled her eyes.

"That's Kev, Al, and you uh- you know Adam." Spencer sighed, Adam walking over. "Adam." Lottie cleared her throat. "Hey Lottie. Good seeing you." He awkwardly smiled, patting her arm as he walked past them.

"Hey, Sarge." Spencer waved Voight over. "This is my sister, Lottie." Spencer said and Voight nodded, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you." Voight said and Lottie nodded. "You too, sergeant."

"And this is uh.." "Jay." Lottie finished her sisters sentence as Jay walked over with his hoodie in his hands. "Lottie, hey. It's nice to finally meet you." Jay smiled, shaking hands with the girl. "You too. It's nice to meet the guy Spencer has photos-" Spencer cut her sister off my coughing and elbowing her ribs.

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