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"You don't look too good

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"You don't look too good."

"Ha hah. Good morning to you to." Spencer laughed, clutching her side. "You okay?" Lottie asked as Spencer walked into the kitchen. "Yeah, I'm fine." She shook her head, grabbing an anti-nauseous pill.


"Morning." Kim piped as Spencer walked into the locker room. "Yeah." Spencer frowned, resting her head on her locker. "Something up?" "No, I'm fine." Spencer said, pulling her badge out of her locker.

Her hand flew to her mouth and she dashed to a trash can, sticking her head in it. "Oh my god." Kim gasped, rushing over and holding Spencer's hair up. Kim patted Spencer's back as she vomited into the trash can.

"Are you okay?" Kim asked once Spencer stopped puking. "Yeah.. probably just ate something dodgy." She shrugged, massaging her abdomen.


"Okay, what do we have?" Hank asked, crossing his arms. Spencer nodded to Jay, the two of them standing at the board. "Kelly Michaels, 19, found dead in her apartment at 11:23 when patrol responded to a call of shots fired. Two 9 mil casing found on scene, ballistics don't match anything in file." Jay said.

"Kelly was a student at CCU, in her first year. One prior when she was 16 for mild solicitation, but other than that, this girls clean. However, she does have a restraining order against an ex. Brett Clarkson." Spencer explained, sticking a photo on a board.

"Test him for gunshot residue? Check his alibi?" Voight asked and Jay nodded.

"Hands and clothes were negative for-" "oh.." Spencer groaned, clutching her side. "You good Spence?" Jay frowned, glancing at her.

"Yeah. Sorry, continue."

"As I was saying, he's negative for GSR and his alibi checks out. He was working all last night. He works at the-" Yet again, Jay was cut off by Spencer groaning in pain.

"Grey?" Voight questioned as she bent over and grabbed onto her desk.

"Spencer, what's wrong?" Hailey frowned, standing up slowly. "I uh- I don't..." she started, deep breathing through the pain.

Trying to stand up pushed her over the edge and her legs gave out, making Spencer collapse to the floor in a faint. "Woah-" Adam cautioned, jumping from his seat. "Watch her head!" Kim pointed at Jay as he lunged for Spencer as she fell. "Okay, okay, okay." Jay panicked, sitting down on the floor with her passed out between her legs, holding her head.

Rangers; Jay Halstead (2)Where stories live. Discover now