thirty six

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As Spencer and Jay walked into the locker room with their gym bags over their shoulders, they were greeted by Hailey frowning at them

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As Spencer and Jay walked into the locker room with their gym bags over their shoulders, they were greeted by Hailey frowning at them.

"Why do you guys look all gross and sweaty like you just came from the gym?" She asked them as she shut her locker.

"Because we just came from the gym." Spencer laughed as she opened her locker.

"Ew. You're one of those weird gym couples." Hailey frowned and Spencer scoffed. "No, we are not." Spencer told her as Jay chuckled. "Sure.."


While doing a gun buy, when Adam and Kim used the safe word and announced shots fired, the team moved in.

It was a particularly dangerous but because the type of bullets in the guns they were buying can rip right through Kevlar vests.

Kim and Adam took cover behind some crates from the heavy gunfire when Spencer and Jay moved in from the other direction.

"Offender down!" Spencer yelled as she shot the offender three times. Jay moved in and picked up the gun the offender was using, tossing it to the side.

"5021 Kennedy, shots fired by offender and police, offender down. Roll the crime lab." Spencer said as Kim ran over and checked the pulse. "He's dead."

"You guys alright?" Voight asked as he jogged in with the rest of the team. "Yeah, Listen- I thought he felt my vest, so I- I called it. I'm sorry." Kim apologised to Voight who shook his head. "You've nothing to be sorry about. You did the right thing." He patted her shoulder before walking out.


"Okay, our main suspect is now laying on a slab at the morgue so we need a plan B. What else do we know about the guns?"

"Um, this is the machine gun that David was firing at us, a so called "cop killer" he had two other ones in his trunk." Kim explained as she led up and unloaded gun. "We pull any prints?"

"No, i checked with the lab. Only ones they could find were from Davis and Jay, because he picked up the gun." Kim answered.

"No make, no model, and mo serial numbers, because some punk is manufacturing these off the books." Jay complained and Spencer nodded. "So lethal as hell and entirely untraceable."

"Alright, what else do we know about Davis?"

"We know he's a local boy, on patrol from statesville."

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