thirty five

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 "Come on, give me something

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"Come on, give me something." Jay pleaded, lying in bed beside Spencer. "It's white." She teased and he rolled his eyes. "Obviously it's white. What's it look like?" He asked and she laughed, shaking her head.

"Jay, I'm not telling you what my dress looks like. You're just gonna have to wait until the wedding."

Jay groaned, rolling onto his back. Spencer just laughed, propping herself up on her elbow. "Seriously though, I can't wait to be your husband." He smiled at her, she bit her lip for a second before leaning in to kiss him.


"Laz loves to talk." Spencer complained as her and Jay sat in the surveillance van listening to Kevin's wire. "Yeah, I wish Daryl did." Jay mumbled as he sipped his coffee. "Man doesn't say much cause he's smart." She shrugged, watching the video feed.

"Two grand? Is Kev nuts? CPD will reimburse him a few hindered if he's lucky." She scoffed and Jay tilted his head, drinking his coffee as he said "he'll be all right."

As they watched Kevin play pool with Daryl and Laz, Spencer reached over to jays hand and took his coffee from him. He was so used to it at that point that he had no reaction to her drinking a mouthful of his coffee and then handing it back to him.

Definition of what's yours is mine in a relationship you could say.

The two started getting nervous when a gun got pulled on Laz and Kev. "He hasn't used the distress word." She sighed, anxiously tapping her foot. They were relieved when they realised he was just joking around with the gun.

"Phil Gamble in the flesh."


"Our shot caller is Phil Gamble, been in the gang for 20 years, has a very diversified portfolio of criminal enterprises, but he makes most of his money the old fashioned way... mostly drugs. Heroin to be exact." Spencer explained to the team from the board.

"Yeah we ran into Gamble a while back. Rival dealer was putting out lethal product under gambles logo. So he shot said rival in the face three times, practically told me as much." Voight added.

Jay put his hand on Spencer waist, walking behind her as she moved out of the way to let him at the board. "Gambles number two in Daryl Ingram. And this guy, Laz, he works under him."

"Yeah, Laz, I like Daryl, is extremely gullible. I've been working him as an unwitting for the past three weeks. Thinks we're buddies and we're gonna start a nightclub together soon. But Daryl on the other hand, tight as hell, doesn't get involved with outsiders at all." Kevin put in his side of the story.

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