twenty seven

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 Spencer lay on the bed, on top of the sheets, texting Lottie when Jay walked into their bedroom holding two cups of coffee

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Spencer lay on the bed, on top of the sheets, texting Lottie when Jay walked into their bedroom holding two cups of coffee.

"Okay, black, two sugars, no milk 'cause I don't have any." Jay announced, placing the two cups on the nightstand. "you're so good to me." Spencer joked, laughing as she put her phone down.

"I'm practicing." He shrugged and Spencer frowned. "What do you mean?"

"You know what they say, happy wife, happy life." He smiled, sitting down on the bed by her legs. "You know I'm not your wife yet, I could still run for the hills." She reminded him, raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, okay. Let's be real here for a minute. A) you inevitably will be my wife, soon. And B) you couldn't live without this face. Don't even try to deny it." He teased, tilting his head. "Okay, shut up." Spencer chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Come here." She pulled him in, kissing him and wrapping her legs around his waist. "What about the coffee?" He asked against her lips.

"Screw the coffee." She joked, running her hands up his toned, bare torso. A few seconds later, Jay's phone started buzzing uncontrollably on the other nightstand. "No, no, no." He shook his head, pulling her back in and trying to ignore it.

When it kept beeping, he groaned, pulling away. "Stop, ow!" Spencer laughed as Jay rolled across her to the other side of the bed.

"You know, if there was a competition for how many times you could get interrupted by a phone. I think we'd win first place." She scoffed, sitting up and sipping the coffee.

"Hey, we gotta go. Upton and Ruzek caught a bad one. They responded to a call over the zone, it's rough. Offender tried to run Adam over." Jay told her, standing up.

"Hails and Adam? What are they doing together at 8:00 in the morning?" Spencer frowned as she climbed off the bed, walking to the wardrobe. "I don't know, but I called Hailey two nights ago because I dropped the keys to our covert during a chase and she brought them home by accident.." "Wait, you lost the keys to our covert?" Spencer turned around as Jay accidentally outed himself.

"No, I temporarily misplaced them- point is, there was a guy in the background and now that I think about it, it sounded a lot like Ruz." Jay explained and Spencer frowned. "Do you think they're hooking up? I mean, it would explain some things."

"Like what?" Jay asked as Spencer started getting dressed.

"I went for drinks with Adam the other night, right?" Spencer started and Jay nodded. "Yeah, you had me pick you up after, I remember."

"Anyway, when I hugged him, he smelled like Wild Cypress perfume." Spencer told him and he raised an eyebrow, putting his hands on his hips as he said "babe, I don't have the slightest clue what that smells like." Jay laughed and Spencer rolled her eyes jokingly.

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