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One of Antonio's friends who ran a store was murdered by a group of people out of El Salvador, so the team took on a case

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One of Antonio's friends who ran a store was murdered by a group of people out of El Salvador, so the team took on a case. Voight said everyone canvassing local business nearby Marco's shop.

"I heard what they did to Marco. Everyone has. These are bad people." A guy said to the pair, not wanting to talk out of fear. "We can protect you." Spencer promised. "Can you? And my kids, and wife? Look, I'm sorry, but I've gotta do what's best for my family."

"At least tell us what they look like. Was their anything distinct about them?" Spencer pleased the witness. "The ones who collect, they're just kids. But once I was late to pay, and three older men came. They warned me that if I went to the police, that they were going to kill me, and my family. One was the boss, he had tattoos all over his face. Um, the letters 'SS' next to a fist with two fingers extended."

The two shared a look before Jay stepped forward, handing the man one of jays contact cards. "Thank you, if you need anything at all, you call us."


"Okay." Kim announced, rolling the board into the congress of the room. "Marcella's people in El Salvador matched the tattoos in the video to these two guys. Yovani Valasquez, Alonzo Amaya. Part of a violent ss11 clique, led by that guy."

"That's Raul Martinez, AKA 'El Lobo.' Wanted for murder and other felonies in my country." Marcella added before letting Kim continue. "I notified Interpol, flagged them with the Feds, and out their faces out to patrol."

"Okay, so where we at with the sting operation?"

"OCD's got the bakery wired for video and sound. Kevin and I will be inside, baking." Adam answered with a smile. "Yeah, and we'll probably be in there for a while, because if these dudes are smart they might lay low until the heat dies down." Kevin sighed, sipping his coffee. "Not SS11. They just keep coming, they keep intimidating." Marcella corrected.

"Copy that, be careful out there."


Voight send Spencer and Jay to an empty studio to watch lookout and conduct surveillance of the bakery. Jay chuckled, watching Adam aggressively eating a pastry by the window.

"How's therapy going?"

"I never thought I'd say this out loud, but... I actually kind of like it." Jay confessed and Spencer playfully scoffed. "Wow, I'm shocked."

"It's helpful. Finally dealing with some stuff we saw in Afghanistan. And Chicago." He added, looking down.

"I'm happy to hear it. I'm sorry if I came down on you a bit hard with the changing partner thing. I just- I've been going to therapy for a couple years and it helped me, I just wanted you to get the same help." She explained and he nodded, giving her a slight smile. "It's okay. You know, you uh- you threatening to get a different partner is what I needed. It gave me a reason to go. I don't want to lose you." He admitted to her and she looked down.

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