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The next morning, Spencer and Jay lay together in silence

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The next morning, Spencer and Jay lay together in silence. Spencer with her head on his bare chest, and Jay with his arms pulled around her.

Jay didn't even realise she was upset at first, not until he felt a few tears land on his chest. "Hey, hey, whats wrong?" He whispered, sitting up so she'd have to look at him.

"About what I told you last night..."

"I'm not going to tell anyone, I promise." He interlocked his hand with one of hers and she shook her head. "No, no, it's not that. I just.. look, I know you want to have kids one day, and now, with what you know, I understand if you... if, you know." She shrugged and he furrowed his brows, cupping her face.

"I told you last night that nothing you could ever tell me would change how I feel about you. If, one day, we decide that a kid is the right move for us, we'll figure something out. In the mean time, we should get ready for work."

She smiled at him, putting her arms around his neck. "I love you, Jay." "I love you too."


"Hailey, we backing up robbery homicide on this?" Spencer walked over to the blonde, following her to Jay, Antonio and Hank. "No, we're taking it. Voight and Ruzek were here when it kicked off. It was on the heels of an abduction."

"All right, Hannah Cates. She's 18. Left my card and a note at the desk this morning, wanted help, I met her. She bolted. She was grabbed right outside the coffee shop." Hank explained to them, showing a picture. "Stranger abduction?" Jay asked.

"Eh, it felt like she knew these guys."

"So where was Hannah during the credit Union robbery?" Antonio out his hands in his pockets, frowning. "Tied up in the backseat, trunk. Dropped at a second location. We lost eyes on that car for like 12 minutes."

Everyone turns to Adam as he and al walk over. "Ah, the employees on his way to Med. Bullet severed his femoral, so... witnesses say it happened quick. Credit union opened, offenders barged inside. No one mentioned seeing a teenage girl, though, boss."

Hank nodded. "All right, Spencer, Jay, head up the scene inside. Okay, let's talk to the FBI see if this matches a robbery pattern. Antonio, get a bead on Hannah for me. Her aunt is Anne Cates. That's her legal guardian but the LKA on file is vacant."

The group dispersed, going toward their assignments.


"Oh, man." Jay sighed when he saw all the bullet holes. "Hey, what did Voight mean by Hannah had his card? His business card?" She asked.
"That's his thing. He's given out a bunch over the years. Usually kids who grew up in rough neighbourhoods. Looks after them. Gave one to Lindsay when she was 14. That's why she said Voight saved her."

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