forty one

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"What if he comes in here and sees the dress?" Spencer panicked, sitting on the edge of her bed

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"What if he comes in here and sees the dress?" Spencer panicked, sitting on the edge of her bed. "Stay still, you're gonna make me mess up your eyeliner." Rachel scolded, trying to hold Spencer's head still.

"You know that tradition predates back to arranged marriages, right?" Hailey teased as she handed Spencer a glass of champagne. "Hey, I am not testing fate on my wedding day. I was nearly dead a week ago, it's a miracle it's even happening." Spencer glanced at Hailey who shrugged, taking that as a good enough reason.

"Ow! Try not to make me bald." Spencer flinched from Lottie who was doing her hair. "Do you even know what you're doing?" Spencer asked as Lottie tugged at her hair. "I've been a dancer most my life, I know how to do hair." Lottie reminded her, pinching Spencer's side. "Hey! Kev!" Spencer shouted as she noticed Kevin walk by the room. "Yes..?" He frowned, sticking his head in the door.

"You tell Jay that if he comes in here I'll kill you. It's your life on the line here Kev." She threatened him and he nodded. "I will relay the message.." Kevin cautioned as he left the room.

As Jay was doing his tie, Kevin walked into the room. "Dog, don't you dare go into that bedroom or Spencer will kill me. And to be honest, I'm not risking my chances with an angry bride." Kevin told him and Jay chuckled. "Alright, man."

"Thanks." Jay mumbled as Mouse handed him his suit jacket. Jay took a deep breath, looking in the mirror as he put his jacket on, shivers going down his back, an hour away from marrying the love of his life.

"Listen, I don't wanna get too sappy here, but your my brother so I feel like it's my obligation." Will announced in the room with all the groomsmen. Jay turned around to face his brother.

"I am so proud of you, man." Will sighed and Jay shook his head. "No-" Jay started but will cut him off. "I'm serious. As your little brother, I am so proud of you. I've watched you become this better man to make sure Spencer stays in your life. I mean it when I say she's made you a better person."

Jay sent his brother a small smile, swallowing thickly. "Some people might disagree with you on that one." Jay laughed, trying to keep the conversation light. "No, man. He's right." Antonio agreed, patting Jay's shoulder.

"Alright, all of you shut up now. I haven't even made it to the altar yet, I'm trying to keep myself together here." Jay laughed, putting his hands out in surrender.

"You gonna cry at the altar?" Adam teased, sitting on a chair in the corner. "Ruzek, I swear to god." Jay scoffed, turning to him. "Hey, he's got a point." Mouse added, smirking. "Shut up!" Jay scolded, shoving Mouse's shoulder.


"The zipper is stuck." Kim blurted as she tried to zip the bottom of Spencer's dress up. "What?" Spencer panicked, her heart dropping into her stomach. "I'm kidding." Kim laughed and Spencer let out a huge breath of relief.

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