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For the last few weeks, Jay had been building trust with this guy Dexter and his gun dealing crew in a ploy to take them down

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For the last few weeks, Jay had been building trust with this guy Dexter and his gun dealing crew in a ploy to take them down.

Meanwhile, Kevin had been getting friendly with some buyers, pitching Jay as his 'connection'

They were about to do a deal. Kevin entered the bar with the buyers, while Jay played nine ball with the sellers in the back. Antonio and Adam sat in the main part of the bar, undercover. The girls stayed outside, considering they wouldn't really fit in and they'd draw too much attention.

Jay looked up when there was a knock at the door, followed by Kevin and his two guys entering.

"What up? How you doing Ryan?" Kevin shook hands with Jay who replied "you're late, Lamar."

"I don't know my way around CanaryVille like that. You know they, bro." He joked. Malik Scoffs "more like CrackerVille."

"What did you say?" A tall slender guy on Dexters team frowned. "Nah, Malik just playing bro. He's a funny dude." 'Lamar' / Kevin tried to change the topic.

"Yeah, bro, and that's his brother Shabazz. This is my dude I told you about, Ryan." Kevin introduced Malik and Shabazz to the white dudes selling guns.

"All right, cool. This is dexter. That's his cousin Nate." Ryan/ Jay introduced them with a straight face.

"All right, so where the M4's at!" Shabazz tried to get straight to business. Dexter chuckled, standing up as he said "why don't we get a drink? Play some nine ball. Get to know each other a little better."

Malik and Shabazz sent Kevin a glare. "We just came to do business. Not have a damn tea party." Malik crossed his arms.

Dexter grabbed a cue, leaning on it as he says "I like to know who I work with."

"What's this? Yo, what's up man, trying to play us like a bunch of punks? Yo?" Malik starts to get worked up, Kevin and Jay exchanged a look.

"Watch yourself." Nate monotoned.

"Watch myself?"

"Chill." Kevin Kevin whispered. "Yo? Why don't you make me watch myself?" Malik lunged for Nate, who grabbed an M4 and cocked it.

"Easy. Hey, come on man!" Jay scolded. "Yo, the hell you doing? The hell is this? We just came to get these guns and get out your way. You wanna put that down?" Kevin frowned.

"I'm just showing Malik the merchandise. M3-A1 carbine, fully auto. 30 rounds in three seconds." Nate smirked. Starting to get concerned, Jay held his cue stick tightly in his hand, drowning. "Hey? Come on man, cut it out."

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