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"Hey." Spencer smiled as Jay walked into their bedroom. When he didn't reply, Spencer looked up, noticing a stone look on his face. "Babe?" She questioned as he took off his shirt, still ignoring her.

"Jay. Are you okay?" Spencer sat up abruptly, putting her hand out when Jay sat down on the bed. When she put her hand out to his, he quickly shoved it away roughly, making her flinch out of shock from the unusual behaviour. "Okay, what the hell is going on?" She asked more sternly, frowning at her fiancé.

"Nothing- I'm- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push your hand away. Its been a long day:" he explained and she nodded. "Next time just say that. Okay?" She said and he nodded slowly. "Yeah- I'm sorry." He apologised and she smiled softly.

"It's okay. What can I do to help?" She slowly brushed her hand up and down his arm comfortingly.

"I just want some alone time with my beautiful fiancée." He whispered and she smiled, looking down.

Then, the sweetness changed back to the rough demeanour from before, confusing Spencer even more. Jay roughly grabbed her, pushing her down on the bed as he kissed her neck.

After a minute she tried to push his head away when he started leaving painful marks on her neck. "Jay." She winced, trying to turn her head away but he pulled her back. "Ow, you're hurting me." She told him as his hand squeezed her hip lightly. "Why are you being so rough?" She frowned as Jay pulled her top off over her head. Jay always had a tough and aggressive exterior when in work, but normally he was always so gentle with Spencer and would genuinely feel bad if he hurt her.

Jay tried slipping the strap of her bra down her shoulder but she resisted. Spencer pulled the strap back up, writhing under him as she said "okay, stop
It please, I don't want to." When Jay persisted with what he was doing she said "Jay- stop." She repeated more sternly, making him whip his head up.

"The hell is wrong with you?" he snapped. Spencer's eyes went wide with the harsh tone he used with her. When Spencer looked into his usually warm eyes, she didn't recognise the man she saw. When looking at him in that moment, she saw anybody but the man she fell in love with. She stared into his eyes and she didn't see the man she was about to marry, she didn't see the man she said "yes" to when he proposed. She didn't see the man that was there for her through everything.

Instead she saw the man that caused her so much pain. The man that sent her fleeing New York. The man she was supposed to have a child with.

She saw Peter.

"I'm just not in the mood tonight. I don't want to have sex." She explained and he frowned. "Okay, well I am, so tough shit." He scoffed, pushing her back down on the bed.

Rangers; Jay Halstead (2)Where stories live. Discover now