twenty six

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 Using her new key, Spencer walked into jays house, wearing a long, black A-line dress with black lace flowers on it

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Using her new key, Spencer walked into jays house, wearing a long, black A-line dress with black lace flowers on it. "Jay? It's me. Are you ready?" she called. She'd agreed to go to Jay's dads funeral with him.

"Yeah, let's do this." He sighed, walking down the stairs wearing a black suit and into the hallway where she was. "Here, let me." She chuckled, seeing him struggling with his tie. She gently moved his hands out of the way, tying the tie for him. "Thanks." He mumbled, putting his hands of top of hers as she finished.

"You okay?" She whispered, putting her hand on the side of his face. "Yeah, I just.. let's just get this over with." He nodded and she gave him a slight smile.

"Okay, let's go."


Jay and Will stood by the entrance of the church, greeting everyone who arrived at the funeral, a sea of people wearing black arriving one after the other.

Spencer stood by Jay's side, her arm linked with his and her hand on his forearm. She stayed silent for the most part, just giving gentle smiles to the guests as they arrived.

"Aunt Hallie, thanks for coming all the way out here." Will hugged the woman, smiling at her. "Of course boys, such a shame what happened to Pat, I'm very sorry." She apologised. "Thank you." Jay and Will said in unison.

"You both look so grown up." She gushed and the two boys awkwardly chuckled. As Will went to greet another funeral attendee, Aunt Hallie turned to Jay. "Jay, I haven't seen you since before you enlisted. I heard your a cop?" She questioned and he nodded. "Yeah, I'm an intelligence detective. I became a cop after I came home." He briefly explained and she nodded, side eyeing Spencer.

"And uh, who is this beautiful, young woman?" She asked and Spencer smiled shyly. "Oh uh, Hallie, this is my fiancée, Spencer. We just got engaged the other week." Jay introduced Spencer, and Spencer extended her hand, shaking Hallie's hand. "Oh my god! Congratulations, that's just amazing." Hallie exclaimed, abruptly hugging Spencer, which, she didn't expect.

"Oh- aha, thank you. Nice to meet you." Spencer chuckled, shaking her hand.

After a few more formalities, Hallie went inside and Will walked back over to them. "Hey, I think that's everyone." Will said, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Before we go in, are you two okay? I know you're both sick of the sympathy speeches, but I'm here if you need anything." She told them, giving a small smile. "Thanks, Spencer." "Of course." She replied, hugging Will before he went in.

Spencer turned her head to look at her fiancé. He sent her a look and she nodded. "We're gonna be okay, Jay. We're still us."

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