forty two

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 Spencer groaned softly as she started to wake up, rolling around

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Spencer groaned softly as she started to wake up, rolling around. She opened her eyes and yawned, confused when she saw she was in bed alone.

But the frown was quickly replaced by a smile when she caught sight of the black wedding ring on her finger.

"Good morning."

Spencer looked up to see her husband leaning against the bedroom doorframe in only his boxers, a coffee in hand. "I'll say." She smirked, propping herself up on her elbows, wearing only her bra and underwear.

Jay walked into the room and put his coffee down before going to the end of the bed. "What are you doing?" Spencer frowned at him. "Putting on a shirt." Jay replied as he picked up a T shirt from the end of the bed.

"No you're not." Spencer shook her head, grabbing the shirt and tossing it away. Jay got the memo and turned around, closing the bedroom door before climbing onto the bed.

He kept himself up, pushing his palms into the mattress as he leaned over Spencer. Spencer pulled him down and pulled him under the covers so she could wrap her legs around his waist. She put a hand on the back of his neck, the other roaming his chest. Jay leaned down and kissed his wife slowly, feeling her smiling against his lips.

Spencer stomach flipped, Jay's tongue in her mouth as they kissed slowly and passionately, their lips glued together. Spencer pushed his shoulder and rolled them over so she was laying on top of him.

Spencer broke the kiss, grinning at him as she flipped her hair over one side. Jay exhaled sharply, gripping his wife's back as she kissed down his jaw and behind his ear.

She lifted her head back up, a smile on her face. "We're married." She chuckled, still not believing it. "We are." Jay smiled back, putting his arm around her back and gently flipping them over again so she was on her back once more. Spencer ran her hands through his hair for a few moments as he planted kisses across her neck and collarbone.

"So how's marriage feel?" Jay asked her between kisses on her neck. "If this is what marriage feels like, then good. Very good." Spencer whined, running her hands up his toned back.

She put her hands on the sides of his face, leading his head back up to her where she glued their lips together again. Jay slightly adjusted his hips and Spencer smiled on his lips which always drove him crazy.

"I don't wanna go to work today." Spencer whined as he kissed her neck. "Just tell the bad guys to take a day off, go to therapy." Jay suggested as she led his face back to hers, her hands on the sides of his head. "I like that plan." She chuckled, smiling as he leaned back down and kissed her.

Rangers; Jay Halstead (2)Where stories live. Discover now