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"Jay again?" Lottie asked as Spencer sat at the kitchen counter, throwing her phone on the counter

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"Jay again?" Lottie asked as Spencer sat at the kitchen counter, throwing her phone on the counter. "Yeah. 8 calls and no reply. I'm really worried about him." Spencer sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Spencer, he pulled a gun on you! He could've killed you, you should be mad, not worried." Her sister exclaimed as she filled a glass with water.

"Lottie, look, you're young. 23. When Jay and I were your age, we were in the middle of Afghanistan in a war. You don't know what we did or what we saw. But I know what he did and what he saw. So I understand how he's feeling." Spencer explained, starting to gather her things for work.  "Oh hey, for you. For the last few months rent." Lottie said, handing her sister an envelope.

"Lott.." Spencer sighed. "I'm not taking money off you. You're my sister, you live here as much as I do. I don't want your money." Spencer handed her the envelope back, grabbing her gun from the safe.

"I gotta go, love you." Spencer smiled, kissing the top of her sisters head. "Go save some lives, love you too."


"Hey. Everything okay? You don't answer my calls anymore."
Spencer said as she walked up to Jay who was buying a coffee outside the district.

"I'm just.. I gotta ask, you didn't file anything about the bar fight, did you?" He asked and she raised a brow. "Do I need to answer that?" She joked and he nodded. "That's what I thought. Just needed to make sure."

"Look, Jay. I think after everything that happened you should talk to somebody. I know you say you're fine but we need to make sure nothing was triggered. You can't work this job if the PTSD comes back." Spencer told him and he shook his head. "I'm good. Thanks for the suggestion."

"You sure? Things got pretty intense." She referred to the fact he pulled a gun on her. "We saved a kids life, that's what matters." Jay frowned and Spencer nodded, getting a little irritated. "Yeah I agree, but you need to make sure you are 100% okay."

"Spence, I appreciate you looking out for me. I really do. But I am fine. I don't need my ex to babysit me." He snapped at her and she scoffed, widening her eyes at the fact he pulled the ex card. "Copy that."


The next morning, Jay woke up to his phone beeping on the night stand. He groaned, opening his eyes and seeing all the beer bottles on table.

Spence: meet me in 20. Got a hit on Julianne.

He sighed, his head pounding with a hangover. He turned around, seeing the half naked woman in bed with him. "Where are you going?" Camilla asked, wrapping her arms around jays chest as he pulled his jeans on. "I gotta go see a guy about a job. Security gig." He shrugged.

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