thirty seven

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 "Spencer? Jay? Is that you guys?" a voice called from the kitchen

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"Spencer? Jay? Is that you guys?" a voice called from the kitchen. "Yeah, it's us."
Spencer yelled back, taking off Jay's hoodie and hanging it up.

"When you guys didn't come home last night we were so worried, I'm so glad- what the hell happened ? Spencer? Oh my god- are you okay?" Rachel panicked, walking into the hallway.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Lana gasped as she followed behind.

"Guys im fine. I got abducted yesterday in Wisconsin but I'm fine. It's over." Spencer shook her head, putting her keys down. "You got kidnapped?!" Lana exclaimed.

"It worries me how casually you say that.." Jay whispered to her as he took his jacket off. "What happened?"

"A gun buy gone wrong. The two guys we were after were bogeys, scam artists. And we didn't realise until they took Spencer and Kim." Jay replied quickly, getting the impression Spencer didn't wanna talk about it. "I'm so sorry. Do you need anything?" Lana offered and Spencer shook her head.

"I'm just gonna go to bed. I'm exhausted. Jay?" She turned and looked at her fiancé. "Yeah, I'll come up to you in a bit. I'm just gonna get something to eat." He replied and she nodded, yawning. Jay kissed the top of her head before walking into the kitchen with the two other girls.

"Where's Grayson and Lucas?" He asked, taking the bottle of whiskey down from the cabinet. "They flew back to New York this morning. Work stuff." Rachel responded and Jay nodded, pouring himself a drink.


"So, Med discharged her, nothing internal, nothing too bad. She's got a nasty gash on her side from some jagged nails but it'll heal fine. She will be okay in a few days. The bruises make it look worse than it is." Jay explained to them as he sipped his drink.

"And are you okay?" Rachel asked, sitting across from him. "You know, you're the first person that's asked me that in the last two days. Ruzek actually blamed for what had happened, as if my fiancée wasn't the one that nearly got killed." Jay scoffed, walking to the fridge and grabbing some cold pizza.

"Seriously Jay." Lana frowned and he nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay. I just.. when I saw the van drive away with her in it I could just see myself three years ago in New York. I just kept thinking that she can't do this again. They way we found her after Peter was done with her, that nearly killed her." Jay sighed, finishing his drink.

"Yeah, listen, just go get some rest. We'll lock up."

"Thanks guys."


Jay sat in bed, waiting for Spencer to finish up in the bathroom. She had taken a shower to wash the blood off her body from the abduction.

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