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"I'll meet you inside

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"I'll meet you inside." Spencer said to Jay as her phone started ringing. "Yeah, okay."

She frowned, realising it was an out of state number, specially a New York number. But it wasn't any of her friends?

"Detective Grey." She answered the phone, confused as to who's calling. "Aye Spence! Just got out of rehab and they tell me my boy is behind bars."

Spencer's heart plummeted to the bottom of her stomach, making her feel instantly sick. "Christian, what do you want?" She glanced over her shoulder, making sure nobody was near. "Hey, hey, I just got outa my straight jacket, baby! I am fresh as a baby's ass. I just wanna know why my boy in is cuffs, and why you're off slinging it in Chicago."

"Are you stupid or did all the coke mess with your brain? You know exactly what Peter did, and why I'm in Chicago. You were in rehab, Christian, not the jungle." She left New York nearly four years ago, she'd no patience for Christian at that point. "Snappy, sarcastic and witty.. now that's the Spencer I know."

"No, Christian. You listen to me right now, the Spencer you thought you knew was a lie. You knew nothing, and you know nothing. So quit the act and tell me what you want." Spencer demanded, impatiently tapping her foot. "Money. You owe me."

"Nah, man. You got red tabbed the minute you blew Rachel's cover on that case. You put my ass, and her life on the line. I don't owe you shit, Christian. Now you have about 30 seconds before I hang this phone up and never talk to you again." It would be a cold day in hell before Spencer gives him another dollar.

"You see, this is how I thought you'd react, so, I did a bit of preplanning. I lied, I got out a week ago. I've been doing some digging, made some calls. Let's just say I know everything about everybody in your new fancy intelligence unit." Christian sneered and Spencer could practically see the smirk he'd have on his smug face.

"Leave them out of this Christian, they don't know anything about what went down with us, and it's gonna stay that way. You hear me?" The last thing Spencer needed was that dirt being dug up.

"Shut up, I'm the one making the orders here. I sent a file to your district, addressed to yo boy, Halstead-" Spencer quickly inhaled, clenching her jaw as she cut him off. "Leave Jay out of this, please. What did you send him? Whatever it is, you find a way to stop it." She demanded, cutting him off.

"December 8th. I'm sure he'd love to see it."

Spencer face dropped and her eyes widened. "Christian, you wouldn't."

"It's done."

The call ended and Spencer slowly lowered her phone as Jay walked out and touched her arm as he passed her. "Hey, we gotta go. Antonio's doing that UC deal with Perez in 30 minutes."

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