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Spencer lay on top of Jay, making out with him

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Spencer lay on top of Jay, making out with him. Jay wrapped his arms around her waist tightly, trying to keep her there when she pulled away.

"Can we talk?" She asked between kisses. "I'd rather not talk right now." He joked, running his hands up her body. "Jay.." she tilted her head and he sighed, sitting up as she slid off him, also sitting up. "Okay, what's up?"

"I'm confused." She told him and he frowned. "About.."

"About us. I mean, you moved out and we stopped seeing each other, and you were uh.. you were with Camilla. So I guess we were like over. But.. now, we're good again. So basically, you know, I just-" she started blabbing and Jay cut her off, taking her hands in his and kissing her.

"Spencer, look, I want to be with you. I want to do this, us. But I'm the one that messed it up last time, so it's up to you wether you want to say we're back together. It's your choice." He gave her a slight smile, running his thumbs over the back of her hands.

"Well, then, I guess we're back together. But Jay, if you ever hurt me like that again, you're gonna wish you never met me. Understand?" Jay sent her a big smirk as she spoke and he slowly nodded. "Yes ma'am." He put his hand on her waist and pulling her onto him, straddling him. Jay grabbed her face roughly and kissed her, pulling her down. She leaned into it, moving her hips back and forth. "Jay." She breathed, pulling away as he kissed at her neck. "Shh." He teased.

"I want you, I do. But you'll be late. You still have to swing by your place to get ready." She sighed and Jay rolled his eyes playfully. "I still got like twenty minutes, I can be late for work once." He shrugged and she smiled, taking that as a yes.


"Hey, chuckles! Slow your roll." Platt wagged her finger at jay, gesturing for him to walk over to the desk. "Detective Chuckles, if you don't mind. What's up?" Jay walked over to the desk, leaning his arms on it, giving platt a cheesy smile.

"Hah, cute. Got some mail for you." Trudy turned to the basket and pulled out a big yellow envelope with the words "official" and "confidential." Branded across it. "It's from New York. The feds after you or something?" She handed it to him and laughed, Jay frowning.

"Not that I know of, thanks Sarge."

Jay walked up the stairs, scanning his palm before walking up into the unit. He put the file inside his hoodie, walking into the bullpen. "Morning." Kim mumbled as she walked past him. "Yeah, sorry I'm late guys." He apologised, going to sit at his desk across from Spencer, sending her a smile when he sat down.

"Don't worry bout it dawg, I just hope whoever she was, was worth it." Kevin teased as he walked past Jay, squeezing his shoulder. "If you're so interested, I'll have you know that she was completely worth my time." Jay smirked at kevin who laughed, along with Adam and Antonio. Spencer bit her lip, looking down and smiling to herself.

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