thirty four

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  Spencer smiled to herself, waking up to a tight arm around her waist and kisses on her neck

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  Spencer smiled to herself, waking up to a tight arm around her waist and kisses on her neck. Her eyes darted to the clock which read 10:13am.


"Our one day off in months and we don't get to spend it with each other." Spencer chuckled, rolling over to face Jay. "I see you every day, I'm sick of you." Jay teased and Spencer rolled her eyes. Jay chuckled, leaning in to kiss her. Spencer swerved him and his eyes widened. "Okay! I was kidding." Jay scoffed and she grinned.

Jay tried to kiss her again, yet she swerved him, again, chuckling as she did. "Stop." He scolded her as he laughed. Spencer's stomach fluttered when Jay grabbed her jaw and held her head still to kiss her.

Jay let go of her jaw, moving his hand down to her neck. She moved her hands up his torso, leaning into the kiss when there was a pounding knock at the door, making them both jump. Jay glared at her with a look that said 'when the hell are your friends getting out of my house because I'm slightly past the point of warm hospitality.'

"Are you both decent? Can we come in?" Rachel called from the other side of the door. Spencer leaned in, putting her hand on Jay's cheek and kissing him once more before sitting up. "Yeah, come in." She shouted, pulling a blanket up.

Jay pushed himself up off his elbows, sitting up as the two girls walked into the room. "I asked if you were decent." Rachel sassed, eyeing Jay who was shirtless. "This is my house. I pay the mortgage. This is my bedroom. If I want to sleep without a shirt, I'm going to sleep without one." Jay said blankly, tilting his head. Spencer looked down, trying to conceal her laughter.

"Okay, fair." Rachel shrugged and Lana just shook her head. "Okay.. back on topic." Lana prompted, frowning. "You are gonna get your pretty ass in the shower while we go run some errands and then when we come back, we're going dress shopping! Lottie, Hailey and Kim are meeting us at the shop. And as your maid of honour, everything is going to go according to plan today. Got it?" Rachel crossed her arms, getting serious.

"You know I never actually asked you to be my maid of honour, right?" Spencer raised an eyebrow and Jay snorted. "Well- I uh.. I was your maid of honour for your last wedding, so I uh-"

"Relax Rachel, I'm kidding." Spencer laughed and Lana started mocking Rachel's stuttering. "Okay, I will be ready on time. Now please, give me 10 minutes with Jay before I get dragged into the madness of poofy white dresses, I beg." Spencer pleased and the two girls laughed.

"Yeah, yeah." Rachel rolled her eyes, walking out. "Keep the noise down lovebirds." Lana winked and Spencer scoffed, picking up a pillow and throwing it at her. "Pervert!" Spencer yelled as Lana ran out of the bedroom.

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