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The team gathered in the bullpen, with a huge tv in front of them as they waited for Platt's interview

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The team gathered in the bullpen, with a huge tv in front of them as they waited for Platt's interview.

"Platt's on in two!" Kim cheered as she walked out of the break room with every single snack they had, tossing them to everyone. Jay pulled his chair over to the window and he sat, putting his feet up on his desk. Spencer took a bowl of popcorn from Kim, sharing it with Hailey and Kevin who sat on the windowsills beside her.

"Hey!" Jay scolded and Spencer reached over and took a handful of chips out of his bag. "Okay, everyone be quiet, Platt's on Tv!" Kevin scolded them, turning the volume up.

"She couldn't possibly hate this any more." Jay laughed as he offered Spencer another handful out of his bag.

Spencer laughed, handing Hailey the bowl of popcorn. "Oh, this is like Christmas." Kim teased as they watched Platt's very unhappy face.

Everyone frowned and stood up when rapid beeping started coming from the stream, causing platt and the interviewer to look confused.

"What was that?" Jay frowned. Once Spencer realised, her eyes went wide and she turned to Jay, both of them knowing what it was. "Jay, that's a-" she was cut off by the news studio exploding and then the tv going to static as the stream cut off.

Everyone stood in shock, not believing what they were seeing. "Everyone, go! Go! Go!" Voight yelled as he ran into the bullpen.

Everyone dumped the snacks and candy on Spencer and jays desks, running for their things.


The scene was a mess.

First responders everywhere, patrol running in all directions, firefighters barking orders and victims hurdling out of the building.

And nobody has heard from Platt. Mouch was running around in a panic, checking every ambulance as he wondered wether his wife was dead or alive.

When Kelly Severide radioed from inside the building that he had Platt and that she was okay, the entire department let out a sigh of relief.


Jay walked into the bullpen with Kevin, reading off a file to Voight "we got the initial report from fire, bomb and arson. It was a single device. Cardboard box in Sheri's office. IED, nails, glass. We're lucky no one was standing closer, Sarge."

Antonio walked into the bullpen, covered in blood. "Sheri was pronounced at Med. She uh- injuries were too substantial. Two others are in critical condition, but they're both suspected to pull through. There was a dozen more victims but as of now it looks like Sheri and Betty are our only fatalities."

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