twenty nine

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"Hey." Spencer mumbled, walking into the living room where Jay was watching the cubs game.

"hey, will you grab me a beer if you're going that way?" Jay asked as Spencer walked toward the kitchen. "Yeah, sure." She replied.

A minute later she walked back into the living room, sitting down beside Jay. She took a mouthful of the beer before handing it to her fiancé. "Thanks." He replied, kissing her cheek as he put his arm around her. "How's the game?"

Jay knocked his head back and groaned. "White Sox are absolutely murdering us."

Spencer just nodded, leaning her head on Jay's shoulder as she zoned out.

"Can I talk to you about something? I've been thinking about it for a while and it's just eating at me so, I have to talk to you." She abruptly said, sitting up. Jay picked up the tv remote and immediately paused the game, turning toward his fiancée. "You can talk to me about anything, you know that." He frowned and she nodded, looking down and playing with the end of her shirt.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking lately.. and I.. okay, so, I can't have kids, okay? And I've always wanted kids, but I came to terms with the fact I can't. But you do want kids, and I can't take that away from you. It's not fair for you to not get to be a father because of my problem." She sighed and Jay tilted his head. "Spencer, I don't-" "no, just hear me out. Please." She cut him off and he nodded.

"I want nothing more than for us to have a family. You'll make a great father. So, I've been doing a lot of thinking. And I have an idea. It's crazy, and I'm probably out of my mind but I can't stop thinking about it." She explained to him and he slowly nodded. "Okay, what's the idea?"

"I think we should foster a child and adopt them."

Saying it out loud made Spencer sound even more out of her mind. "Look, before you say anything, just listen. I know our lives are crazy, and our job is dangerous, but, we're getting married and we're in a stable relationship, we have a good home, we're financially stable, we've a good job, we've got healthcare, we're respected by the city, and, we both want to be parents. I know a girl at DCFS and she said we're great candidates for fostering."

Jay stayed silent, a look of contemplation on his face as he thought about it. "That's a big commitment to make." He said, running his tongue over his bottom lip. "I know, so, you don't need to say anything now. Just promise me you'll think about it. I want us to be parents, I want us to have a family, Jay. I want to have a family with you."

"Okay, I'll think about it." He nodded and she smiled, cuddling back up to him. "Let's get back to the disaster game then." She chuckled, putting her hand on his chest.

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