forty three

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  "Hails? You okay? You seemed kinda off in there

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"Hails? You okay? You seemed kinda off in there." Spencer asked Hailey as she walked into the break room to see the blonde pouring a coffee. "Yeah, it's nothing. Im fine." Hailey shook her head and Spencer drowned. "Incase you haven't noticed, I am incredibly good at telling when people aren't actually okay when they say they are." Spencer leaned against the counter, looking at the girl.

"Adam and I broke up." She sighed and Spencer tilted her head. "I'm sorry. I thought it was going well?" She apologised, putting her hand on Haileys arm. "It was.. it's just- it's so hard to balance our relationship and working together. Things just got messy." Hailey shrugged and Spencer nodded.

"Trust me, I know all about that." Spencer chuckled, pulling Hailey into a hug. "I don't know how you and Jay do it. I mean, you guys make it seem easy. You just got married and you're still partners. Does it not get in the way?" Hailey frowned and Spencer shrugged.

"It is hard. Especially when we first got together. And we do bring stuff from the job home but talking about it helps. I guess we just made an agreement that we'd never back the other up in work just because we were sleeping together: that's the only way it'll ever work." Spencer explained and Hailey nodded. "Since we're getting all open here, can I uh- can I ask you something?" Hailey asked and Spencer nodded, pouring herself a coffee.

"You know how you and Jay applied to be foster parents?"

"Mhm." Spencer hummed, raising an eyebrow. "I don't want to seem rude, and you don't have to answer, I'm just curious. Why don't you guys just have your own baby?"

Spence paused for a second, taking a breath. "There's nothing Jay and I want more than that, but I can't get pregnant." Spencer told her and Haileys eyes went wide. "Oh my god, I never should have asked." She regretted it and Spencer chuckled. "It's okay, Hailey, really. I'm not ashamed of it anymore. While I still lived in New York, I had a miscarriage and there's a piece of scar tissue that stops me from ever getting pregnant again. It's too dangerous for it to be removed with surgery." Spencer explained and Hailey sent her a sympathetic look.

"I'm so sorry." Hailey pulled Spencer into a hug, Spencer wrapping her arms around Hailey tightly.


As Hailey and Spencer walked out of the break room, Jay, who was sitting at his desk, put a hand on his wife's waist to stop her. "What was going on in there? You two okay?" Jay asked her and she nodded. "Girl stuff." Spencer smirked and he nodded slowly with a slightly frown, pulling his hand back.

"Okay, listen up. We have a new target. His name is Wilson Young, he's a high level dealer for the SSH. Multiple priors for possession, Distro and assault." Voight explained to the team, walking out of his office. Jay turned around in his chair, Spencer climbing onto her desk and sitting on it with her legs across to Jay's desk.

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