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One Chicago Crossover Part III

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One Chicago Crossover
Part III.
P.D: 6x02


The rest of the team arrived at the hospital after a Jane Doe went missing.

Voight walked out of a room, seeing Jay and Spencer walking down a hallway together. "Hey. Jay, I uh.. just heard about your father. I'm sorry."

"Thanks." Jay nodded, squeezing Spencer's hand. "Jay, take some time. Be with your family." Voight told him and Jay shook his head.

"It's not what you think, Sarge. Me and my dad had a complicated relationship. We didn't really see eye to eye. I'm not proud of it, but it's the truth. Five other people in that fire died. I want to help." Jay explained and Voight nodded. "Okay, platt's briefing everyone in the parking lot."

"I'll be out in a sec." Spencer said to Jay and he nodded, letting go of her hand as he walked away.

"Sarge..." she sighed, tilting her head. "Have you tried getting him to take time?" he asked and she nodded.

"We talked about it earlier, he's having none of it. He's not lying, he and his dad had a complicated relationship, but you know it yourself, he was still his dad." She explained to him and he nodded. "Just keep an eye on him." He patted her arm and she nodded at him. "Of course."


"Jane Doe, approximately 20 years old. 5'4", fled chicago Med less than 60 minutes ago. She exited the west rear door and was last seen headed north on foot. She is believed to be all alone and hurt, so we have to move fast." Platt briefed everyone.

"Hey, you wanna take north with us?" Spencer asked Kim and she nodded, throwing the couple their radios. "Yeah, sure. I can't find Adam anyway." When Kim sent Jay a sympathetic look, Spencer did a cut throat motion which Kim didn't see befores he said "just, Jay, I'm sorry-" "thanks." Jay cut her off.

"Fill us in?" Spencer asked Kim and she nodded.

"Okay, she dug out her own GPS chip, so obviously she doesn't wanna be found. She had third degree burns, multiple broken bones." She explained and the pair nodded. "She couldn't have gotten out of there too fast. So, where would you go?" Jay asked. "I don't know." Kim mumbled. "Find someplace to hide. Someplace to die." Spencer answered and they all nodded together.

"You go that way, I'll go this way?" Kim asked and Jay nodded. "Yeah, we'll go over here." He and Spencer went right, Kim went left when they came to a fork.

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