thirty two

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"Ladies, today would be nice!" Grayson yelled up the stairs, the three guys waiting downstairs for their significant others who were taking incredibly long.

"We're coming down now, chill out!" Rachel replied, shouting at the guys from upstairs.

As the girls started walking down the stairs, the three guys found themselves winded, their jaws on the floor. The ladies looked at one another, laughing at the guys reactions to them.

"Wow, you look beautiful." Jay complicated Spencer, putting his hand on her side. "Thanks, this isn't even my dress, it's Lottie's." She laughed, looking down. "Well, it looks good on you, but I think it would look better on the floor later tonight." Jay whispered in her ear, making her eyes go wide. "Jay Halstead!" She scolded, hitting his arm as she laughed.

"You guys ready to go? Uber is here."


"Uh, guys, why are we going onto River North?" Jay asked from the back of the Uber. For some reason it made perfect sense in Rachel's mind to put the two people who live in chicago in the very back of the 7-seater.

"We're going to some club named- "Disco." Spencer cut her off, her and Jay sharing a look. "Why? Is that bad?" Lana asked. "Can't imagine the staff would be too happy to see us considering we did a H bust there about three weeks ago." Jay chuckled, putting his hand on Spencer's exposed thigh.

"I'm sure they're be bursting with joy."


They weren't.

The bouncers wouldn't even let them in. Spencer and jays faces were on the blacklist board, along with the rest of the intelligence unit.


So, they ended up in a different club called PRYSM on Kingsbury North Ave.


"Ah, the flash a badge trick never gets old." Lana laughed as they walked into the nightclub. Spencer and Jay flashed their badges, letting the group skip the queue.

"Alright, let's get some shots!" Rachel cheered over the music. Spencer leaned into Jay and said into his ear "and now it starts."

Everyone went to the bar where Rachel had twelve shot glasses all lined up. "Okay two each." She said and everyone picked up the two shot glasses. "To Spencer and Jay getting engaged!" Lana toasted and everyone threw back the first shot. The cold liquid burning her throat, Spencer coughed.

Rangers; Jay Halstead (2)Where stories live. Discover now