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One Chicago Crossover Part I

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One Chicago Crossover
Part I.
Fire: 7x02


Spencer walked out of jays bathroom to see him sitting upright in bed with a worried look on his face, phone in hand.

"Jay, what's wrong?" She frowned, walking over to the bed. "My dads apartment complex is on fire. It's bad." Jay told her and her eyes went wide.

"Oh my god. Let's go, come on. We can flash a badge to get in."


"Hey, you can't go in there." A patrol guard tried to stop the newly engaged couple from going in. "CPD intelligence." Spencer said, lifting up her shirt as Jay displayed his badge around his neck.

The two of them went under the tape, running into the building .

"Chief Boden!" Jay called out, Spencer holding his hand tightly as they weaved through firefighters.

"Halstead, grey. Congratulations on the engagement." He told them, and they nodded before continuing.

"Where's the fire? What floor?" Jay asked and Boden frowned. "20. Why? What's up?" "My dad lives on 23." Jay sighed. Spencer had never actually met Jay's dad. All she knew was that him and Jay had a rough relationship.

"Casey, how's it looking?" Boden clicked the side of his radio. "Hang on chief. We're almost in. Hooked up."

Suddenly the whole building shook with an explosion. "Fires too advanced on 20 chief. We can't get a foothold."

Jay worriedly squeezed his fiancées hand as he listened to Boden speak into his radio. "Okay, new plan. Squad searches 21. Truck continue to 22. Engine 37, get a hold on that fire floor."

"Halstead, where's your father?" Boden asked. "He lives in 23C."

"Is he up there now?"

"I don't know, he's not answering." Jay stressed. "Excuse me, cpd, have you seen Pat Halstead today? Jay asked one of the building staff members. "I'm sorry, I don't know him. There's over 500 residents in the tower."

Spencer noticed as Jay started breathing quicker, panicking. "Chief. My dads got a heart condition. He had heart surgery three weeks ago." Jay explained to Boden and he nodded. "It's okay. We're working on our primary search. 23 is next."

As Jay looked down at the floor Spencer cleared her throat to get Boden's attention. "Do your thing chief, how can we help?"

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