twenty eight

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  Spencer and Jay sat outside a mosque, in a surveillance van, Kevin undercover inside

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  Spencer and Jay sat outside a mosque, in a surveillance van, Kevin undercover inside.

"Twenty years ago, this neighbourhood was all deep dish. Now it's flatbread and kabobs." Jay shrugged, sitting on the bench, leaning his head against the metal rack and his feet up on a box.

"Things change." Spencer shrugged and he nodded. "I hear you."

"That's Akeem." Spencer said when they heard the voice through Kevin's wire. Spencer watched as Jay's face hardened, sending him a look when Akeem started bad mouthing the army. They were investigating Akeem for a bombing of an army recruit station.


After the mass, Kevin said "I got eyes on akeem."

"Copy." Spencer said through her two way, picking it up. Spencer and Jay sat up when a guy ambushed Kevin.

Jay lunged for the door, Spencer putting her hands out and putting them on his chest. "Wait, wait, wait! Give him a sec". She said.

"Kevin doesn't have a gun."

"He's got this." Spencer told him and Jay sighed, listening to her and  sitting back down.

They listened closely as 'Abdul' AKA Kevin, got out of the ambush and managed to talk to Akeem about the bombing, which, Akeem denied straight out.


Voight, Spencer and Jay waited in an empty area for Kevin to arrive after his UC at the mosque.

"You good?" Spencer asked as Kevin got out of his car. "Yeah. I'm good. I tried to get Akeem to talk about the bombings. He shut me down" Kevin nodded, bumping fists with Spencer and side hugging her.

"Are you sure his security guard didn't make you?"

"Jamel just hates Americans on principle. My covers still solid."

"Keep pushing them, stay under." Voight told Kevin when Jay started getting irritated and said "I don't know what we're waiting around for. These guys already detonated one bomb. Let's bring Akeem in."

"We don't have any evidence that he's involved." Spencer shrugged. "The 'Chicago Must Burn' manifesto was uploaded from a computer inside that mosque. You ask me, that's proof enough." He retaliated.

"You ask me, it's not. We need solid evidence before we move on Akeem. There's two many eyes on this." Voight disagreed, taking out his phone when it beeped. "Another bomb threat. VA hospital. Go check it out." Voight told them and Jay scoffed. "Be safe." Kevin told them, bumping fists with both of them, patting their backs.

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