Part 1

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Part 1 ( Damian Pov )

Damian lay sunbathing, absorbing the beaming sunlight. Warming his multi-color fur, enjoying the lazy-inducing weather. People walked by, paying no mind; stray cats were normal around the city. Littered everywhere, they crawl the alleyways, stealing what they need to survive. Though they weren't the only animal running the streets of Irvine. As shifters also inhabited the space, many walked freely in animal form daily. Showing their beauty, stunningness, and power shined, making people stare with envy. Everyone loved looking at shifters and emerging from afar. Unfortunately, most powerful shifters don't socialize outside of their families or other shifters. With the community being tight-knit, outsiders aren't familiar nor welcomed.

Bellina's family is one of the more influential shifters that impacted the city. Irene Bellina is the head of the house with four breath-taking daughters. Every one of them are domestic cat shifters with their pelts all being calico colored and green eyes as vagrant as emeralds. They held power in the community for hundreds of years as the family was the primary founder of shifter rules and rights in America. With that kind of standing, they could never have a failure inside the bloodline.

Unfortunately, that failure had happened the moment he was born. His father was excited about a son; however, Irene wasn't ecstatic about having a boy. Girls were high-priced prizes in the family and took over leading after the older head stepped down. Only females could carry children and the famous family calico coat. However, he had potential if he produced an heir. That little hope was squashed when he shifted for the first time. His family was shocked, and his mother was infuriated. Damian was a calico, accustomed to the family's name. But being a male calico meant he couldn't have children. An heir couldn't be supplied by Damian, so Irene saw her son's existence as pointless.

Because of this, Irene saw fit to disown her only son. At eight, Damian was dropped off the side of the road. His mother had told him he wasn't allowed to come back. Damian had cried all night, curled into himself inside a box he had found. He soon learned it was better to travel and hunt when shifted. So every day for fifteen years, he had lived like a cat. Scavenging and hunting for food where ever he could possibly find edible substance. Hiding away behind dumpers in the winter to stay dry or stay in the park during summer.

He stretched his long legs feeling his muscles pull, and the scar's on his body scream in protest at the movement. He loved the sun and did have not to worry about having to hunt at the moment. Letting his tired and overused body rest was always grand. As struggling to survive was exhausting and worn down his very life. Thank you, sun, for having my aching body. I bless you.

Time went by slowly when a sudden shadow appeared, blocking the sunlight. Damian popped open his eye, seeing a young girl staring at him with wonder. Don't even think about it. I'm having a nap; run away and leave me alone. So he thought in frustration puffing his pelt out, making himself look more prominent and threatening. Hoping the act would frighten away the child and he could go back to sunbathing in peace.

The girl didn't seem fazed by his show of aggression. Instead, she moved closer, closing the space between them. No, don't come to another step. I will swipe at you if you take another step. He jumped up, crouching down low and hissing angrily. Tail whipping and claws unsheathed, ready to scratch the child for disturbing his relaxation.

But everything was for nothing as she reached out and patted his head. "Cute kitty," She said merrily, continuing the action. Surprise bolted through Damian; before he knew it, a purr was leaving, ripping through him. The young girl giggled, still patting his mangled flea-ridden fur. He loved having the attention and pushed up into her hand, letting the purrs flow freely. They stayed like that for a few minutes. "Cathy! Don't touch that dingy creature!" An enraged voice screamed farther down the sidewalk. Women that looked like an older version of the child came running in high heels. Sweeping up her child and turning away. "You can't be touching feral cats; they can have diseases."

The women looked down at Damian in disgust. She then snared and stomped her heels right at him. Trying to impale the shoe into his body. Damian quickly jumped back, avoiding the attack, hissing at the woman and swiping at her. She screeched, jumping backward, clutching her child pressed tightly to her chest.

Screw you, lady! You're the one that attacked me first. I'm defending myself. Damian quickly shattered away into the closes alleyway. Knowing the women wouldn't chase after him into a dirty alleyway. Bolting down another street and alleyway, he slowed to a walk. Damian's body was aching, and now he couldn't sunbathe in case the woman came after. He looks around, finding boxes littered on the floor and a few dumpsters. At least I picked a decent place to bunker down for the rest of the day.

He walked over to a cluster of piled boxes and lay down. Letting his body once again relax. I really enjoyed that girl stroking me. I haven't been petted since Dad said goodbye. So he thought sadly, curling around himself. Listening to the traffic of people and cars pass by. Gradually darkness began to fall, and the city lights started turning on in the masses. Damian was getting hungry, so hunting was a must. He would leave soon to gather in a bit. Laying down weary, mesmerized by the night city life.

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