Part 11

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Part 11 (Owen Pov)

Owen hadn't ever seen Damian so defensive before. The boys seemed entirely on edge the moment Harvey walked into the room. And watching the scene that played out in front of him shocked Owen straight to his core. So it seems like Damian doesn't have excellent relations with other shifters. Though he wanted to blame that on the boy raised on the streets. But another tiny sliver of him also tried to blame it on his family. What kind of family force is there a child not to eat.

He walked out with Kane following his sister. "That boy looks like a mess. What did a hurricane rip through his living room? Did he get tossed into a mud puddle too many times? He looks as if he is feral." Elania is being over-dramatic as always. And he felt like he had to jump to Damian's defense. "You know damn well where we found him. He's a homeless shifter and has been that way for fifteen years. Yeah, he looks a little mangy, and his skin and bones, but we're gonna fix that." Owen glanced over, seeing Kane agree. They weren't going to leave this boy on the streets again. And Owen was sure the police wouldn't do anything if they ever did report it. So it was just better for them to deal with it themselves.

"Are you going to give him a haircut or not? Hell, we can just take them to a high-end salon and get it done there if you're being so picky." Elania scoffed, placing her hand on her breast, looking offended. "How dare you. After everything I do for you, and this is how you treat me. So, of course, I'm going to do your little pets' haircut. I'm just letting you know it's going to be more than what I said. I'm going to have to use half of my product just to get his hair clean. And please tell me he's not covered in ticks and fleas."

"You don't have to worry about that. I scrub off most of them well in the bath; if you find any, I'll take care of them." Kane said, walking closer up to Elania. "And how much did Owen say he was going to pay you. I thought this was just common decency. A favor." She rolled her eyes and sauntered to one of their chairs, popping herself down dramatically. She played with her curly brown hair scrunching up one of her ringlets. "I did say it was a favor. However, I was expecting something back. So how about this, I do your boy's hair, and you come to family dinner with me. Not only that, you have to bring the shifter."

Before he or Kane could answer, a loud screeching' yes' echoed through the air. They all turned to look at Damian hanging halfway out of the kitchen entryway. A bright dazzling smile plastered on his face, and Harvey was only a couple of inches away from him, leaning over and peeking." I wouldn't mind another hot dinner. Can it be fish? Oh, I know salmon; they are always good."

The boy was basically shaking where he stood, clearly excited at the mere thought of getting another freshly cooked dinner. And Owen almost wanted to roll his eyes. But, of course, he wanted to fish. So he and Kane were going to have to start stocking up. Damian would make them become pescatarians just to satisfy his obsession with fish. Elania smiled." Of course, we can do fish, darling. I haven't had salmon in a very long time, so I think it would be quite a divine meal. We're going to have to see how the rest of the family takes to eat it, though. The last time I checked, they're all red meat munchers. I don't even think fish is on their dietary plan."

Owen rolled his eyes, sighing heavily. Besides him and Elania, their entire family was made up of picky eaters. They were the only ones with luxurious taste buds and a taste for expensive dining. They explored more with their food options more than the entirety of the family. His younger sister Alicia tended to merely eat bread, cheese, and chicken. Anything else, and she got horribly sick. People would think watching their family eat that they were shifters themselves. Though every single one of them was human.

Damian merely smiled glisteningly at the three of us and darted away back into the kitchen. He obviously wasn't interested in what they were talking about; he had just heard about the opportunity for dinner. All anxieties are thrown out the window if it means fresh fish. It was, of course, one of the cutest things Owen had ever seen." Well, now that's settled. The plans already made and put in place, I guess we better start on that haircut of his. I fear it's going to be longer than any of us anticipated it to be. It's worse since it's on mangle than mad with all that mud in blood." Owen looked at the clock to see that it was already 10 PM. Usually, he and Cain were in bed around this time as they had to wake up immensely early due to being the only veterinarians in their building. Nevertheless, they would stay up until Damian was taken care of.

The three entered the kitchen and found Harvey rambling about one of many philosophers. The shifter had a tendency to rant about specific topics they found interesting. With being an English high school teacher, philosophy and literature were number one. So whenever a conversation was held with Harvey, they always tried to steer it toward those topics... However, it seemed to be the only topic they were comfortable with. As Harvey had extreme social anxiety and didn't follow anything other than newly published books or the news outlets. But currently, the two of them seemed to be in an intense conversation. Or more like Damian was merely listening to Harvey ramble on about different dead people that he didn't even know existed before now.

"All right, drag one of those chairs over to the sink, and let's start." Elania pointed to one of the chairs in Kane immediately grabbed it. Lifting it up and placing it in front of the sink. He then walked over to Damian, picked him up, and put him in the chair. Harvey looked shocked by the sudden revelation that Kane felt comfortable enough to pick up the shifter. Not only that, but also Damian had allowed it so willingly. Not putting up a fight to be shifted from one place to another.

"All right, you just have to keep your head tilted back into the sink, no moving, understand." Damian nodded in understanding, agreeing to the standards of staying still. Elania went to her tote bag and pulled out what Owen wanted to guess were six different hair products. Oh boy, this would be much longer than he originally anticipated. They're going to be here till morning.

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