Part 12

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Part 12 (Damian Pov)

He was never allowing that wicked woman anywhere close to his head again. Damian didn't expect it to last three grueling long hours with Elania standing above him scrubbing out his scalp. He swore almost all of his hair was falling out. Not only that, she probably scratched him raw. Damian had sat there in that grueling chair for so long that his head began to cramp. His neck had been jarred at an uncomfortable angle for hours without being able to move.
Even when Elania said that the product had to be sitting in his hair for an extended time, she refused to allow him to adjust himself. His neck was sore, and his entire body tingled with nerve damage. He felt numb from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. Damian was 100% sure he couldn't move. Not even his mouth wanted to work when Elania pulled out another damn bottle from her tote bag.

No, he can't do this anymore; he can't stand sitting in this chair with his head tilted in the most uncomfortable position ever. He wanted to scream; however, his lips seemed numb. Not only that, Elania had the temperature to the point where it felt like it was boiling off his hair follicles. She claimed it was to make sure everything was disinfected. Or kill all the leftover fleas still stuck in his mangy scalp. He wanted to show her mangy. He wanted to show her feral. He had been called that at least three times during this stupid haircut.

Every time he jostled, flinched, or hissed, she would call him feral and smack the tip of his nose with her hand. Not flicking like a playful thing that you do with your friends. Full-on slapping him. Elania wasn't slightly frightened that she was going to break his nose. He didn't have fast healing abilities as some shifters did. He just had enhanced physical athleticism. He was able to bend and maneuver his body like others couldn't. Not heal broken bones at an insane speed.

Nevertheless, the torture didn't seem to end. After being able to leave that horrid chair and torturous sink behind, she had sat him on the floor. Pulling out some weird device from her devilish tote bag of constant surprises. It was shaped weird; you're not getting anything else from him. He couldn't honestly describe the thing even if he wanted to. However, he did know that when the device turned on, it whipped him with hot burning air. It also made the sound of what he would believe a dying cow would make. A constant high-pitched squealing tore his poor sensitive eardrums to shreds. Damian was two seconds away from bolting it.

However, the only thing keeping him seated was that Owen sat in front of him. He had a pair of nail clippers in his hands and files. Owen was manicuring Damian's nails. He claimed that Damian wasn't allowed to have weapons on his hands as it was unjust for the two humans he would be living with. And that had surprised Damian. And had confirmed that his taunting, nagging trepidations would not come true. Kane and Owen seem to of made the decision for Damian that he was going to stay. And as far as Damian was concerned, it was definite. The moment they allowed the abandoned shifter into the house, they would never get him out. He would plant himself in their dirty laundry hampers if he had to.

After Damian's hair had somehow magically dried itself, Elania pulled out scissors. She had started cutting off rather long chunks of his hair. Though he had much to spare since it went down nearly to his back. He didn't know what kind of style she does. All he knew was Elania had complete creative range. And he honestly wouldn't care what his haircut looked like. It was going to grow out in a matter of months anyway. And he already knew he was never going to get another haircut again. This traumatic experience has scarred him for life. Have fun trying to get him back into a seat by the sink. He would fight them tooth and nail, even if his claws were nicely pedicured. After another ten minutes of styling, Elania finally stepped back, sighing in relief. "I'm done. His hair is as magnificent as any model that walks the streets."

"So I look like someone's rat dog." Damian had to admit he wasn't very good at jokes, nor was sarcasm his hand up. There is a reason he didn't crack very many jokes. It was because they all fell immensely flat. Elania merrily looked at him like he was crazy. "You undoubtedly do not look like someone's rat dog. More like a pronounced long-haired golden retriever. A very nice prim, properly groomed retriever." She said it was so much sass he didn't feel like he could argue with her. She had already ripped the skin from his scalp. Plus, she was 100% more dangerous with scissors lying in her hands.

"Well, boys, what do you think of your new pet's beautiful style." Damian wanted to snap at her for calling him their pet. Although, in some small ways, he felt like it. And he certainly wouldn't complain if they got him a collar. However, the way she said it was always in a taunting, discouraging way. Like she purposely was taking blows out his self-esteem. Damian didn't know what he did to incur her wrath, but he didn't know you wanted to stay on her good side. So he offered up the most shit-eating of grins and looked up at Kane and Owen. And he said rather saucily, "Well don't I look, pretty masters."

The only thing Damian could describe what happened next was like in those strange cartoons. The one where the girls are talking to the guys, and they touch them in a certain way. Like gently touching their shoulder. And then the boy looks all flustered and red and has a runny and bloody nose. And they were both embarrassed at the end of the scene, running around trying to clean up the mess. That is precisely what Damian just saw right in front of him. It was like the moment the word master slipped through his lips, all common sense flew out the window. Kane looked absolutely stunned, and Owen had this look of complete and utter ah. Then the next thing I know, Owen was bleeding from his nose. And Kane was so flustered that he didn't even know what was happening. The boisterous commotion didn't even snap him out of it. Owen was trying his hardest to conceal the fact that he had gotten a bloody nose.

Absolute glee shot through Damian, knowing that he had such leverage. If the two of them completely fell apart at the mirror word master. What more ability do you have resting between his lips. Oh boy, Damian was going to test it out all the time. He was soon going to have to get a dictionary. He was sure if he googled dirty words, thousands would pop up. So Damian would just have to take the time and effort to learn how to use a computer. He knew of them, just not how to use them.

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