Part 33

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Part 33 (Owen Pov)

Owen couldn't wrap his head around the situation. Everything was mixing, and he wanted nothing more than to scream into the empty building. Kane had ushered Damian into the office after his sisters had left. Damian had been so out of it that he didn't even make a noise. Owen felt like finding the sisters and chewing them out for causing so much pain to his lover.

Damian had been growing more confident. Learning to love themselves and not be so scared around everyone. But now Owen feared that Damian my revert into himself. Losing what progress they have made with the young shifter. And to think that they need help and had come rolling here. A little part of him didn't feel like it was a coincidence that the sisters ended up here. It just wasn't adding up. Plus, his sisters would have realized that Damian was their brother, right? Of course, Damian didn't, but that was because he had grown. Maybe his sisters also didn't recognize him either. But why would they have given Damian a false name?

Owen couldn't wrap his mind around the problem and paced the back area. The voice just wouldn't stop piling up the possible problems. He was so into his head that Kane was able to sneak up on him. Kane reached out and placed his hand on his shoulder, stopping Owen from pacing the floor. "Damian is napping on the couch in the office. He seemed to be taking this pretty badly."

"Of course he is! Kane, his family just randomly showed up without any warning. Damian hasn't seen any of them since his mother dropped him off the side of the road like trash."

"I know, I'm not that happy about them just showing up. However, we didn't know who they were, so we couldn't have seen the problem. Plus, I think it's good that Damian will be able to talk with his sisters. It also sounds like they're going through some issues as well."

Owen just scoffed, rolling his eye's in annoyance. "They're probably just trying to cover for themselves. Did you see the hurt in Damian's eyes? That isn't something that can just be wiped away."

"I know, but you should have seen how the two girls were acting. Bethany was clearly scared, and Nova was going to say something but stopped. It's also clear that Bethany is sorry about what has happened with Damian. Also, they were children when it happened."

"You're really defending them, aren't you."

Kane throws his hands up in defense, taking a few steps back. "That isn't what I'm trying to do. I'm just saying they most likely went through the same thing Damian did but in different ways. They want to talk it out and make amends. So who are we to stop them."

"We are Damian's lovers. What if they digress his progress and cause him pain? We have spent so much time helping him grow and get out of his shell."

"We'll d it again without complaints if we have to. We love him, right?" Kane asked, almost making Owen feel punched in the gut. Of course, he would always be there for Damian no matter what. "I do love him," Owen said without faltering, and Kane smiled, leaning forward and kissing Owen sweetly. "I know, so do I. But we can't be making decisions for him. He is going to grow and digress. It's all a part of the process. We can't hold him back."

Owen looked down in shame, feeling all his emotions building up in a storm. He wanted to make sure that Damian never got hurt again. However, Kane was right. Digression is all a part of the healing process. "Please, Kane, I don't want him to get hurt again." Kane curled his arms around him, pressing feather-light kisses to his forehead. "We won't allow them to hurt him too much. I promise you that. And if they do, we will be there for him the whole way." Owen nodded his head in agreement, pressing further into Kane's embrace.

Kane accepted the tighter hug, loving how Owen showed a more vulnerable side. However, Owen didn't like Kane comforting him when Damian silently suffered inside their office. Slowly Owen dislodged himself, pulling away to look Kane in his steel blue eyes. "I think we must ensure that Damian is truly okay with this. I don't want to force him into this." Kane gleamed at him, "I have already asked him. At first, Damian wasn't quite sure, but before he fell asleep, he said he was more open to the idea. I'm sure this is taking a lot out of him."

"He is being so strong. Maybe I shouldn't be so scared about what's going to happen."

"Don't downplay your worries. I wasn't so sure about the idea either; however, if Damian wants to, I will back him no matter what."

Owen kissed Kane on the cheek and began making his way out of the back room. He wanted to see Damian for himself. To know that the shifter was okay and not just suffering in silence. Kane followed quietly behind, not stopping Owen from making his way to the office, which Owen was grateful for because no one would prevent him from checking on his lover.

When he went to the door, Owen paused, taking a deep breath before pushing into the room. There laying comfortably was Damian, his head bared deep into the throw pillow. Owen sore, he could see the drool dripping from the corner of the shifter's mouth. Owen smiled and moved to kneel beside the younger man. Carefully Owen carted his hand through Damian's hair, loving the soft weaves sliding through his fingers. Kane came and sat beside him. Taking Owen's discarded hand into one of his. There they stayed, comforting one another.

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