Part 18

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Part 18 (Damian Pov)

Sitting in the office was mind-numbingly dull. The time seemed to be lagging and dragging out every second, making it feel like an eternity. When you have nothing to entertain yourself, then it makes waiting even more miserable. Damian has been hanging upside down on Kane's oversized leather chair. Letting his legs rest on the top of the chair. He has played around with pencil and blank paper for a short while. However, drawing wasn't his forte.

He had tried reading one of the numerous books that littered their selves. Nevertheless, not many words made sense to him, and after ten minutes, Damian had launched the book across the room. Watching as the book smacked the wall and landed open, distorting some pages in the process. However, Damian felt little pity for the textbook that confused his mind.

Afterward,  Damian had given up, allowing his humiliation to fester within every pore. He couldn't fathom the thought of dredging up another book to merely fail. So Damien had instead taken to counting individual grooves nicked into the ceiling. Each one having its very own distinct pattern. The weave in this activity was soon waning. His boredom couldn't seem to be altered by any activity achieved within the office. A minuscule part of him wishes to adventure farther out. Adventure beyond the office walls. Though not want to leave the building itself.

The oddity of feeling so familiar within the space made Damian's heart clench. He had never felt so secure before in his life till recently. Not even the scrunchy walls of his boxes allowed such safety. However, curiosity kills the cat, and Damian happens to have an adventurous mind. He struggled inwardly with himself. Debating on whether or not he should allow himself to adventure out of the security of the walls. He had promised Owen to stay put.

However, the possibility of finding something more entertaining was scratching at Damian's mind. Promising the opportunity of soothing the Encinas he was feeling. It was now or never, so Damian dislodged himself from the leather imposter chair. Precociously he advanced towards the office door. Each bounding step made soft squeaks in the wood panels below his feet. Apprehensiveness bolted through his body like thunder as his hands shook, advancing to the brass knob. Allowing his trembling hands to lie lazily on top. Felt the cold metal nip at his sensitive skin.

Though before Damian could build up the courage to open the door, it seemed to do so by itself. At first, Damian believed an outside force, possibly ghouls or spirits had flung the door open in unadulterated rage. However, instead of meeting Damian's gaze, it was Katelyn. Her posture was rigid, and her face was stone cold. Blatantly showing that she did not care for her indecent action.

Damian had stumbled back, only a hole touring in his movements after hitting the coffee table a few feet behind him. Damian had decided it was better to stay mute than to try to hold a conversation with the lady. So the two merely held eye contact for an inappropriate amount of time. Tension and uncomfortability wafted the air, almost suffocating Damian. Finally, Katelyn had decided she was to speak first.

"I am merely allowing you 10 minutes before I call the police. After that, I will not let you mooch any longer off the owners." Confusion rang through Damian's mind. What did Katelyn mean by two owners, and why would she think to call the police. Mirror minutes ago, it was pretty clear that his presence was welcomed upon the property. As he was in a heated embrace just moments ago with Kane and Owen. So why the sudden coldness and heart. And threat to call the police.

"I don't quite understand what's going on here. Would you mind explaining why exactly you feel as if calling the police is a good idea?"

"I'm doing it because you're no good filthy, disgusting, deplorable, street rat beggar. I know a shifter when I see one. And I'm letting you know you're foolish appearance does not trick me. So go back to your luxurious mansion and pompous butlers and allow them to pamper you. No need to take vantage of Kane and Owen like you're currently doing."

Damian felt knots tangling inside his stomach and vomit threatening to rise through his throat. He hadn't meant to mooch off of the two immensely caring people. However, with little to nothing to his name and mirror boxes for his bed, Damian felt he deserved some comfort. So allowing said woman to merely run him away seriously didn't feels like an option.

Unfortunately, before Damian could defend his reasons, Katelyn jabbed one of her pensively large acrylic nails into his chest. Growing frustration overtook her features. "Listen here closely, as I'm not going to repeat myself. Scatter before I called the police. And if you know better, never return. If I see you again. I'm reporting you and the police will take you to jail."

Horror mixed with fear began to race through Damian's body, corrupting his mind and heart. His thoughts couldn't process as they usually could as everything spun together. Swirling into one massive ball of confusion and distress. Every ounce of his body was begging him to stay however his mind was screaming for him to scatter away. Never to turn back as the fear of possibly going to prison overrides everything else.

A massive part of him didn't want to leave Kane and Owen. However, what if Katelyn was telling the truth, and he was merely mooching off of their generosity. Taking without truly giving back like the filth he was. Just like in his old home, where he was nothing but useless, he fought her for his family's cruel words.

Without a second of apprehensiveness, Damian squirmed passed Katelyn, bolting out of the office running through the lobby, and bursting through the building's front entrance, tumbling down the pathway and rocketing himself to the nearest ally. He could feel the shifting cracking of his bones. The manipulation of his body twisting and changing without his permission.

And soon, his bare feet weren't the things that were smacking the concrete ground. Instead, his pink torn-up paw pads scampered across the burning surface. And the only thing Damian wished for was minor safety and secludedness of his garbage cans and box home.

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