Part 3

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Part 3 ( Damian Pov )

The man coddled Damian tightly wrapped in his velvety jacket. The luxurious material shifted softly against his fur. Exceeding warmth wafting from Damian's body, heating the air around them. He nuzzled deeper inside the jacket, purring loudly, enjoying the heat. The man's hand still lightly petting his head lovingly.

Never before has someone shown such affection so consistently. Most merely shy away after finding fleas and dried blood covering Damian's matted pelt. No one ever being brave enough to handle him, constantly being thrown aside. Now Damian was greedy; hell, he was allowed to since being shown love was rare; he would take all he could. Pushing his head upward into the man's hand, Damian rubbed everywhere he possibly could against the hand. Please give me more! Affection has never been this great before.

Even better, the man didn't shrink away, disgusted or repulsed by his matted fur. Though Damian knew the man's hands would be covered in flea dirt afterward. However, the man continued without hesitating away; he must not care about a bit of filth. Fondness soothed Damians' distraught nerves. He wasn't alarmed about where he was being taken. If the man kept caressing his pelt, Damian didn't care. "Don't worry, sweetheart; we're almost there." The man cooed, walking up a flight of stairs seeming to lead to a rather massive red door. Damian watched as the man fumbled with keys struggling to open the door.

After a few minutes, the door swung open. Damian head whipped around, staring at the walls of the room he was being brought into to. The walls were covered with pictures of different animals, and shelves lined a wall covered in various types of dry and wet food. Damian salivated, staring at the expensive food. Am I getting any of this stuff? Please tell me yes!  Damian wiggled free a paw and started swiping towards the food, meowing excitedly. "I know you're hungry; however, we're going to look you over first," the man laughed. I don't think you know how much I'm dying to eat something. Please just let me eat something!

"Kane, is that you? I thought you went home already; something wrong?" A disfigured voice rang behind a closed door. 

"Yeah, I'm here and brought something back." Kane was the man's name, and Damian felt it fit him well. He just looked like what a Kane would be called. Maybe his blue eyes or black hair made the name fit so well. Suddenly one of the many doors within the room swung open. Another man came walking from the doorway. Damn! What is this an attractive man confection? Where do they keep coming from? Damian was astonished as he stared openly at the sienna color beauty with captivating jaded eyes. He had ashen brown hair pulled tightly into a bun and was ripped like Kane. 

"Owen, I found this sweetheart dumpster diving a few blocks away. I couldn't leave her there. She was eating garbage and covered in fleas." Kane carried him closer to Owen and lifted him showing the other man. Damian meowed, distressed by being hailed father from the ground. Owen leaned closer, looking at him with curiosity. His hands ran through Damian's fur, parting the hairs and touching the skin. 

"Your right; the poor baby is covered in fleas, and her pelt looks mangled. Let's go to one of the examination rooms. We can look her over better and see if she has more problems than just fleas."

Kane agreed with Owen and carried Damian towards another door; this one was a bright yellow. When they entered, Damian noticed a strange metal table in the middle of the room. Kane unwrapped Damian from the jacket and placed Damian on the metal table. The moment Damian's paws touched the metal, frigidness shot through him from his paw pads. He hissed and jumped, bolting from the torture device, not wishing to stand there any longer. What was Kane thinking? Was he trying to freeze me to the table? I have never touched something so cold.

No way! I'm not freezing my coat off from standing on the table for a moment longer. Damian shimmed his body into a corner pressing tightly, shrinking himself until he was a ball. He hissed irritatedly, flattening his ears backward and unshielded his claws. Kane looked surprised, his shoulders hunched and eyes wide. He looked at the table and placed a hand on it, humming in acknowledgment. He turned back to Damian and started leisurely walking towards Damian. 

"Hey, pretty lady, everything's going to be fine. I know the exam table is cold. How about I lay my jacket on the table, so you aren't touching the metal." Kane slowly bent down, petting down his spiked fur. The strokes calmed Damian nerves, and Damian unraveled, relaxing into Kane's touch. Then Kane picked him up with one hand, returning him to the metal table. Before placing Damian back down, Kane laid his jacket on the table with his free hand. Once the coat was spread out, Kane put Damian onto it.

"Let's see what's wrong with her," Owen said as he slipped on gloves. Kane mirrored Owen's action, also putting gloves on. Simultaneously, they both begin patting through Damian's pelt. He allowed the somewhat ruff handling, simply beaming from the attention. Thundering purrs echoed though Damian chest, reverberating off the walls. Laughter came from both men as they checked over Damian's body. Owen stopped when he lifted Damian's tail. Damian felt flustered by Owen's action and lashed his tail from his grip. Tucking his tail down between his legs. You can't be doing that; it's so rude. Next time warn a man when you're about to go peeking at a man's private parts. 

"Kane, she isn't a she. Come over and look." Owen said, trying to catch Damian's lashing tail. Kane, who was currently checking Damian's gums and teeth, started moving to the back of Damian. If Damian wasn't shifted, he could swear his whole body would be red with embarrassment. Heat flushed his face, though the others couldn't tell due to him being in his furry form. "Are those... Well, it seems I was wrong. Sorry about that, buddy." Kane patted his rear. "I haven't seen a male calico since veterinary school. I can't believe he's a stray. Wonder if he came from a breeder."

"No, A breeder wouldn't toss away a male calico. He would have made them a nice sum of money." Owen sounded stunned as he walked around, touching Damian's pelt. It wasn't a breed that didn't want me. It was my mother. Ask her why she didn't want me; you'll be just as surprised. "Well, maybe he has a chip and gotten out of someone's home. Though looking at him, I don't think so. But better see, just in case." Kane said, petting down Damian's spine. Delicate fingers examined his hide, pocking his scars and wounds.

Trembling, Damian tried to suppress the yowl in his throat, trying vigorously not to show weakness. "Sorry, buddy, I know this hurts. We'll be done looking soon." Owen calmly spoke. Damian was stunned that he cared for him even though they had only met mere minutes ago. "We'll be back soon with treats and medication, pretty boy." That caused Damian's ear to perk, the promise of food driving him. 

Damian lay down, rubbing and rolling all over the jacket underneath him. Damian's meowed happily, spreading his scent all over the jacket. They both patted his fur and walked out of the room. Lovely people, the two of them are. I have never been pampered so much in my life. He looked around, staring at the decor. Other weird tools riddled the walls, and only a single chair was shoved in a corner. Though they could us better decor, this room is so bland. Maybe a picture or two, possibly a better color then tan. 

His body and skin itched with wanting to be cuddled again. However, he hadn't shifted back to his human form in weeks. It was starting to cause havoc on his body. Maybe if I shift quickly, I can let my muscles stretch. And maybe the itching isn't from want but instead my body telling me to shift soon. What better place then now, this time I won't be naked in a back alley. Hopefully I won't get the cops called on me again for public indecency. Damian hopped down onto the floor and turned back. Feeling his skin pulling and bones snapping rattled his body. It burned like hell since he hadn't done this in forever. The fur retracted, and ears vanished back into his head. 

Damian had successfully shifted, feeling the nipping air assault his naked skin, causing goosebumps to spread across his skin. He tried standing and felt his frail legs struggle lifting hi body almost immediately. His little weight was too much for his diminished frame. Finally, Damian managed to pull himself back onto the metal table. He was sitting atop it, breathing hard, trying to catch his breath. Though it felt like his lungs were giving up on him. Damn, that shouldn't have been so hard. Damian lightly smacked the table, infuriated at himself. Pain shotthrough his hand, causing a whimper to slip from his lips.

Damian grabbed the jacket and wrapped it around his shoulders, hoping to block the air, trying to cover as much skin as possible to warm up. Damian started to relax after a few minutes of being alone, feeling the tension basically evaporating from his pores. When suddenly the door swung open, Damian quickly turned his head. He was meet with two exceedingly astonished faces. Both Kane and Owen looked beyond flustered, and Damian felt anxiety build. Damn, maybe I should have waited till I shifted. I completely forgot that they think I'm a normal cat. 

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