Part 32

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Part 32 (Kane Pov)

Kane couldn't believe what had happened right in front of him. The shifter was staring straight at Kane, amber eyes gleaming with fear. Felicity seemed to be just as shocked as Kane. However, the woman quickly pulled off her jacket and tossed it over the naked girl's stoned form.

"What do you think you're doing? Shifting in the middle of the vet's office."

"I couldn't have this man stabbing me with needles. Plus, he would have figured out I wasn't a normal cat anyway."

"That doesn't mean you shift in front of the veterinarian. Honestly, Nova, you're being dramatic. This could have worked, and you wouldn't have to deal with mother."

"We could always run away! Never listening to me is a bad idea! Bethany, you're an idiot!" The girl, known as Nova, yelled angrily at Felicity. Wait, no, the woman's name was Bethany. Kane could barely fathom the scenario currently playing out in front of him. Slowly and instinctively, he began to reach for the handle of the door. Maybe he could slip out while the two of them were arguing away. Though as his hand laid upon the doorknob, the girl named Nova immediately snapped her head towards him.

"No, don't leave," she barked out, almost jumping from her crouched position to throw herself at Kane. Swiftly Kane dodged her, stepping to the side, nearly knocking into the wall opposite of him. "Nova stop it; you're scaring the man," Bethany screamed, reaching for the younger woman and pinning her by her shoulders, keeping Nova lodged onto the exam door.

Kane swiftly swerved between the two women and bolted for the guest entryway. However, the door swung open before he could even reach the handle. There standing with wide-blown open amber eyes was Damian. His jaw clenched in anger as he stared at the two women before him. A snarl drifted onto his features as he glared them down. "I knew you two were familiar." He pointed his finger accusatory at Bethany. "How dare you come here after so many years. What couldn't fathom the possibility of me being happy?"

Kane couldn't understand the sudden outrage that Damian was spewing at the two guess. Then suddenly, it all seems to click inside of his head. Not only did Damian share similar features to the two women standing before them. Nova was a shifter, just like Damian. Not just any shifter but a calico shifter. Which were rare on their own, and the only family in their town who were calico shifters were the Bellina family--Damian's family who had kicked him out.

Kane's frustrations began to bubble within his skin as he stared at the two women. He wanted to scream at the two of them for the horrible treatment of their brother. They abandoned him on the side of the road, not sticking up for him, and allowed their mother to do as she pleased to their poor brother. However, Kane couldn't quite get himself to do so. The apparent fear that was pumping through both women was the one thing stopping him. Their eyes seemed to be glimmering with it. And Bethany's posture appears to be one of defeat and shame.

"Damian, trust us, we didn't know you worked here. We just needed to get as far away from mother, so she wouldn't know what we had planned." Bethany said, letting go of Nova and slightly moving towards Damian. However, Damian moved away, putting himself behind Kane and glaring at his sister. "How can I trust you when you have done nothing but hurt me and cause me pain? You didn't even stick up for me when our mother decided to kick me out of the family. I remember you and the other sisters celebrating getting rid of useless old me."

"You better than any of us knew that if we went against mother, we would be punished. Nova and I merely did what we needed. You understand, right, Damian?"

Damian scoffed and pushed his head into the nudge of Kane's shoulder blades. Kane felt horrible about the situation and felt like this wasn't the right place to have this conversation. "How about we have this conversation somewhere else? This isn't the right place to be dealing with this problem." Kane said, hoping that he could calm down the situation. Nova growled, "We don't need to talk about what happened so many years ago. The problem at hand is more important than that."

"Nova! This isn't the right time to be thinking about yourself. We'll deal with mother when she comes around." Bethany looked over at Damian, who was still hiding behind Kane. "I want to talk about what happened, but right now, I need to get Nova somewhere safe. We're trying to run away from mother because she wants to force Nova into marrying someone."

Bethany looked down, tears forming in her eyes. "Juna was married to the same man. However, she died giving birth to their second child. The family blamed our mother and demanded a replacement for Juna. So mother offered up Nova to Juna's husband. He accepted the deal."

"I'm not going to marry that wicked leopard. Quin hurt Juna, and I will not suffer the way she did. Plus, I don't even like.." Nova stopped herself from finishing her sentence. Bethany lay her hand on her sister's shoulder in a comforting gesture.

"We can finish this at our home," Owen's voice filters through the room, almost causing Kane to jump in surprise. He hadn't noticed the man was standing at the guess entryway. He had a cold stare, his body rigid while glaring at the two women before them. "This isn't the best place to be having a family fight. So we'll welcome you to our home when we finish our work. That way, we can have more privacy." Owen looked over at Kane, and he nodded his head in agreement. "Come back thirty minutes before closing, and then we'll talk this over at home."

"Of course," Bethany agreed, grabbing Nova's hand and moving them away from the room. However, before she left, Bethany looked over at Damian. "I'm so sorry, Damian." Damian didn't say anything, refusing to look at his older sister. Kane wanted to do nothing but hold him. However, he kept still, not allowing the two women to see them together.

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