Part 8

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Part 8 (Owen)

Owen was cooking in peaceful quiet. Trying painstakingly to ignore the ruthless voice beating through his mind. Relentless thoughts whipped around, digging up horrible reminders of past life. He had seen the monstrosity of what shifters would do to keep their bloodline pristine. Slaughtering children or even denouncing heirs for taking human betrothed. Having such genes tarnish their family blood and name. Causing problems and possibilities of having human children.

However, the Bellina family was so well known in Irvine. One of the pioneer families integrated laws covering shifters and their family affairs. They had even been public about their opinions of expelling heirs without shifter blood. They had shown disgust at such activities. So finding out that the flea-ridden half-starved Damian was a Bellina infuriated him. The family had discarded their own son. Not due to his absence of shifter blood. But due to existing as a male calico.

Not being able to deliver an heir. Nevertheless, Damian wasn't their only child, if the media report is correct. Bellina had six heirs, all females. Ranging from the age of thirty-four to sixteen. Meaning Damian wasn't holding the only possibility of caring the shifter gene or family name. So the impulsive abandonment of their only son stunned Owen. It repulsed him profoundly. As he could fathom seeing his family do the same.

He wanted to storm social media and criticize the family for their twisted cruelty. For having double standers and not following their own so-called beliefs. Owen glanced over, peaking at his phone that lay a few feet away. It would take mere minutes to drag the Bellina family. However, he knew attacking such a family would gain him nothing. As the family already gained public scrutiny for being shifters that parade power.

Owen stirred the soup, making sure it didn't boil over. He wanted to race back into the bathroom and scop Damian into his arms. Hiding the fragile boy from the outside world. He wasn't scared since Kane seemed to care the same remorse for Damian. In truth, he wanted both men in bed with him. With Damian smushed in the middle between Kane and him. Though they would be cloth as Owen doesn't think being naked would be suitable for his libido.

Having two attractive men covered in nothing, his sheets caused his blood to boil instead in passion. However, Damian didn't seem to believe he deserved fondness. Because his own family didn't love him, how could two strangers who had just met him feel that way? Owen paused in his action. Love? Did he genuinely love the boy even though he didn't know anything about him besides his name? Also, Owen didn't even know if Kane felt the same about Damian.

Though he did see the way, Kane stared at the boy inside the bathroom. He had held lust inside his eyes. So would he be okay with adding a third person into their life? Because Owen knew damn well that he was willing to integrate Damian into his life.

Suddenly his phone began ringing, startling him from his deep thoughts. He strolled over and glimpsed down. Elania's name flashed across his screen. Owen swiped, answered the phone, and placed it tightly against his ear. "Hey, are you on your way here?"

"You have to give me some time. Harvey gets off work in five minutes. We'll be there right after." Elania said.

"Okay, Kane is bathing him right now, so take your time as he hasn't eaten yet either. An tell Harvey to stop working themself into an early grave."

Elania gave a mini laugh before answering. "Harvey does what they like. Even if it means working themselves ragged. Also, overtime pay has been a blessing."

They talked in length about other personal issues before Elania ended the call when Harvey had left their classroom. Owen looked into the pot seeing that dinner was finally made cooking. He moved the pot off the burner and placed it on the kitchen counter. Owen figured he would tell the two that dinner was made. An Elania was also bringing Harvey over.

So letting the already skittish boy know that others were coming was a great idea. So when he strolled inside, Owen was met with a heating sense. Kane was partially soaked, scrubbing one of Damian's legs in soap. Damian himself was leaning back, looking blissful. All the tension that had once filled the boy was now gone. Calm seemed to have washed over Damian, and it made Owen fill with aspiration.

So he stood there watching the two, and a scrap of jealousy began building inside. He wanted to also touch Damian's body. And he could tell that Kane was enjoying his expiration of the boy's frame. He wanted to join in the action so severely that he glared at Kane. However, after glaring at Kane, he saw Damian gazing intensely at him.

Fright flashed wildly inside Damian's eyes, and before Owen could think or say anything, Damian was bolting out of the tub. Then, they watched Damian shift into his cat form before their eyes. Owen flinched when he heard the bones cracking. Shifters weren't supposed to go through such pain when shifting. So hearing that made dread burn intensely in his stomach.

Kane had shot straight up from where he was kneeling and whipped around. He had almost tripped back into the tub after seeing Owen standing in the door frame. "I'm sorry," Owen said quickly, "I came to tell you both that dinner was made. I watched for a bit and didn't mean to startle Damian."

"Owen, next time, just make yourself know before scaring everyone into a heart attack," Kane said jokingly, walking up to him and kissing him. "You scared the both of us pretty badly." But when they looked over at Damian, Owen's heart squeezed painfully. Damian was curled tightly around himself. Blocking his ears and eyes shaking violently.

Owen dashed over and knelt beside Damian. His hands hover over the shaking body, too afraid to touch the frightened boy. Kane soon joined beside him, gripping his arm. "Damian, everything alright; Owen didn't mean to scare you, honey." However, it seemed like Kane's words weren't reaching. Slowly Owen reached down and started stroking Damian's fluffed fur.

Damian tensed but soon relaxed when Kane started scratching behind his ear. "Please, baby, we're sorry for scaring you. Don't worry about what happened inside the tub. I'll clean it up." I was taken aback but then turned my head. Floating inside the tub was vomit. Owen was surprised that he hadn't noticed the boy had thrown up. "It's not the big of a deal. You can eat with Owen in the kitchen."

At this, Damian seemed to lift his head and stare directly at us with wide cat eyes. "Let's get you into the kitchen. Then I'll grab you some clothes that will hopefully fit you. That way, you are not naked in our kitchen." Owen tried hoping his calming comment would calm the frightened boy even more. "Damian, you should shift back inside the bathroom. The neighbor's probability doesn't want to see you naked. Though we make like it, others may not." He joked while still petting Damian.

Damian had dislodged from his hiding spot and patted over to the toilet, jumping up on the seat. He twisted and glared directly at the two of us. He seemed pissed but shifted back anyway. When he was back to being human, Damian flushed a bright red. His hand's hand flew straight down to his crotch. Owen's eyes followed his action, and he was met with something he quite liked. However, he wouldn't call the poor boy out for being stiff. That didn't mean that Owen wasn't happy knowing he had such power over the boy. 

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