Part 20

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Part 20 (Owen Pov)

He rocketed out the door without a second thought. Basically flinging himself down the stairwell and onto the street sidewalk. Owen ducked around, sprinting past pedestrians who were walking to their destination. His phone clenched tightly within his grip. Owen hardly had time to scan his phone as he examined the area. Zooming past people, his vision. Everything blurs together as tears fill his eyes.

He couldn't fathom how frightened Damian currently was. Because being alone must be mortifying. Not only that but the betrayal that must be festering inside the shifter. They promised protection and security. However, they had failed, allowing Damian to suffer from the cruel words of Katelyn. Owen's own outrage for the receptionist seemed to be cultivating. To think Katelyn dared to be making decisions for him and Kane. The fouled woman should be fired. Tossed to the streets. Compelled to understand how Damian felt after all those years of living.

Hesitantly Owen launched his phone towards his ear. The loud chiming of the call going through echoed in his ears. Silently he prayed for Elania to pick up the phone. Never had Owen been so desperate for someone's help before. Then, suddenly, a cheerful voice filtered through the phone speakers. "Elenia DeMarco speaking, how may I be of assistance today?"

Owen couldn't hold back the sigh of relief at hearing his sister's voice. "Elania emergency, Damin ran away. Our receptionist scared him off, saying she would call the police on him if he stayed any longer. Kane and I didn't know about it because we were in the middle of surgery. But, the skanky bitch made sure of it."

It was silence over the phone. Owen couldn't even hear Elania breathing on the other end. Panic began to rise as the thought of Elania hanging up on him filtered through his mind. Then suddenly, he heard her voice again. "I requested permission to take the entire day off. My boss granted me the time. I'm on my way. Don't stress will find him."

"Thank you, Elania," Owen said, merely lost for breath. He continues to swerve in duck between people. Avoid slamming into someone barely by hair. As the overwhelming fear claw violently at Owen's stomach and mind. No nightmare could be as ghastly as this. Unyielding torture filtered the indecent images flashing through his brain. Countless possibilities of unbeknownst danger. Unhinged thoughts flooded freely.

"It's feeble going into a complete panic. You're not going to be able to concentrate properly. Diminish those villains' thoughts and focus on the task at hand." Elania sounded determined. "Well, find Damian in a heartbeat. No need to go into a frenzy."

"What if we're not in time? Something dangerous could happen. Damian could get hurt or possibly wouldn't come back with me."

"You unyielding fret astonishes me every day. We'll find Damian within minutes of searching. He couldn't have gotten far. The boy could barely walk the last I saw him."

"Damian is a shifter, meaning he doesn't stay human forever. Being a cat is easier for him. It's how he lived before Kane found him."

Elania fell silent, probably thinking about exactly what her plan was now. "We're going to be searching for longer than expected."

Author Note: Hello! I was just coming on here to say that I wouldn't be posting again till Sunday. I'm going camping with my family. Unfortunately there will be no service where we are going. Thanks so much!!

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