Part 46

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Part 46 (Damian Pov)

To say he wasn't infuriated with everything that had happened would be an understatement. His family was causing significant problems with his relationship, and he wasn't willing to let it carry on for long. Owen and Kane had gotten into a fight because of them. They have been nothing but a problem for him his whole life. But, now that he has finally gotten to be happy, they dig their nasty way back into his loving new home. Damian wanted to snap at his mother and tell her to leave them alone. To tell his whole family to scatter from his life. An he was going to, till Bethany and Nova arrived uninvited on their front doorstep. Both looked terrified, Nova's hands were shaking violently, and her eyes looked blank, almost lifeless.

Kane had been close to throwing them out, not allowing them to entire the apartment. Owen had been locked in the bedroom, refusing to leave after dinner as he went to bed immediately. So Kane was titering on edge, his foul mood only enhancing when he saw them standing there. Damian also wasn't happy to see his sisters after being berated by their mother, seeing as they apparently ran away without telling him. They also lead their mother to his home, bringing chaos to his family. However, when Nova had thrown herself into Damian's arms, there was no way he could turn his shaking sister away. So they welcomed them into their house, Kane leading them to the living room.

Nova stayed plastered onto Damian's side, refusing to move for anyone or anything. She didn't budge even when Damian sat down on the couch. Kane sat on the armchair across the room, putting distance between him and Bethany. Bethany sat on the other side of the sofa, looking guilty. Good, she should look guilty after leading the wicked witch to his loving home and cause Owen to doubt his placement within their relationship. So there they sat, no one willing to start the conversation breaking the heavily silent that suffocated the room. The only noise was Nova's crying and sniffling that could be heard. Damian sighed, bringing one of his hands to his face, rubbing the day's tiredness from his eyes. "Where have the two of you been. Mother came to our place of business and harassed Owen and me. Said the two of you ran away."

Nova released a heavy sob, pushing her snotty face into Damian's side, smearing the snot that ran down her face. As she stared at Nova, Bethany looked sorrowful, but not for Damian. "We decided it would be better for Nova to go live with Samatha. However, our dear mother seemed to have gotten to her first, and Samatha broke up with Nova. We tried to convince her to allow Nova to stay and to continue the relationship. Regardless, she didn't bend and kicked Nova and me out of her house." Bethany was looking deeply embarrassed, retelling the story to them. Announcing their failure to try to save their own skin. But Nova was indeed in love with this Samatha person, and having their mother tear it up without Nova's say must have been heartbreaking. Damian ran his hand through Nova's tangled hair, hoping to help console the women's, broken heart.

"I can't tell you how sorry we are about possibly leading mother to you," Bethany said, though her tone was off-handish. Damian scolded, baring his teeth at his sister in anger. "What do you mean possibly? You are the reason she found me and harassed us. If you didn't come then, she would have never known I was still in town. We could be living peacefully without her crazed threats." Bethany didn't shrink under his harsh words, looking unfazed by his outburst. On the other hand, Nova whimpered loudly, rubbing her face into Damian's side again.

"You don't seem shocked to hear that mother came to our place. What aren't you telling me, Bethany," Damian growled out, making sure it was deafening. It reverberated off the walls of the living room. Hoping the extra show of power would make his sister falter slightly. However, Bethany held her head high, not bending underneath the powerful performance of dominance. "You act surprised that mother found out your place of business. Damian, she already knew where you worked and lived." Ice ran through his bloodstream, chilling every part of his body. He didn't want to believe his sister; however, Bethany looked blank, showing no emotion at the confession. So she must be telling the truth; how could mother have found out where he was. She hadn't cared enough to keep tabs on him, right? She must have wanted to ensure her son didn't shame the family further.

"So the mother has always known where I was, how I lived on the street starving and cold. She didn't do shit when I need her the most, all because I wasn't important enough for her. But she felt the need to watch me." Damian couldn't help the anger dripping from his voice; he couldn't grasp that the wicked woman would do such a thing. Bethany nodded, confirming his suspicions. "Mother has always kept an eye on you. She even talked about getting you back into the family to marry you off to a family for some business ties. Though Mia was able to talk her out of it, she didn't want tainted genes mucking the family name." She sounded calm when repeating the words, almost believing the words she sputtered.

"So mother always knew where I was and what I was doing?" Bethany nodded, looking everywhere else but at him. "You didn't think it was important to tell me this," Damian angrily stood from the couch, dislodging Nova from his side. Still, he just couldn't care about his sister at the moment. He instead turned and stomped out of the living room. Damian could hear his sisters calling for him to return to the living room, but he couldn't get his feet to turn around. He needed to get away from the area, clear his mind, and hide away. He felt horrible for leaving Kane behind with his sisters, but if Kane wasn't calling for him, then that must mean he wanted to be alone with his sisters.

Damian ripped open the door to the bedroom, storming inside without caring until he saw Owen bundled in the bed blankets. His face was buried into the pillows, showing no sign of being awoken from the commotion roaring from the living room. Damian couldn't help but climb into the bed with him, snuggling into Owen's side. Wrapping himself around the more prominent man forcing him to cuddle with Damian. Owen wrapped his arms around Damian's waist, pulling him tightly into his body. Damian could help but to allow the comforting heat of one of his lovers to drift him into sleep. Hoping the darkness wouldn't turn into nightmares about the horrid family that haunted his living life. 

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