Part 26

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Part 26 (Damian Pov)

Damian walked from the office, filled and functioning on pure sexual frustration and spite. Slowly making his way towards the receptionist's desk, wearing a grimaces. As he made his way forward, Nicole grinned wickedly. "Someone seems like they had their chain yanked; however, your master didn't seem to have released it."

"Don't even mention it again," Damian growled back snappily. Nicole beamed right back, not scared of his rotten attitude. "Damian, you should know better than to get your rocks off at work. You're lucky the bosses didn't find you."

Damian knew she was joking since one of the bosses made him like this. "Let's quit talking about this," Damian changed the topic hoping she would take the bait. "Tell me about what happened in last night's episode." Nicole's eye's brightened, and soon, she began babbling about these housewives she watches on T.V.


Never again, thought, Damian as he sat on the green plastic chair. An hour after their shift ended, Kane walked home with Damien. A giant smirk plastered on his face as he continued to think about what had happened in the office earlier that day. Damian wanted nothing more than to slap it off and throw himself onto the man. He was infuriated that Kane found his suffering oh so amusing. Owen insisted on staying behind. Claiming overdue paperwork needed to be done on a specific timeline.

After returning to the apartment, Damian marched to the shared bedroom. Snatching his book and propping himself out onto the porch lounging set. Refusing any temptations and remaining in his uncomfortable seat. Though Kane drove a hard bargain. Promising expensive and luxurious salmon cat food. Flaunting it in front of his nose and trying to cohorts Damian to come sit on the couch with him. However, his resolve was more substantial than Kane initially thought.

So now, Damian was sitting in an uncomfortable chair, sweating from the blistering heat and allowing his clothes to stick to his sweaty body. He was so immensely uncomfortable; however, spite was winning out. Not wishing to hand over a win to Kane. Damian was still extremely pissed off at what had occurred earlier inside the office. So now he sat, pretty sure liquefying into the plastic chair he was currently occupied, waiting for Harvey to arrive.

Today was their mandatory reading lesson. Scheduled by Owen and Elania. However, Damian had a sneaking suspicion that Elania truly did not enjoy his presence. Over the past three months, he has had dinner with her and Owen's family. At first, they were apprehensive, though Damian couldn't blame them. Shifters weren't well portrayed in the media; granted, they probably had a horrific experience out in public with one of the over snotty filthy rich shifters. However, after prodding at their rugged interior, Damian seems to have cracked it. With lots of help from Harvey, the family seemed to adjust well. Ultimately, Damian even obtain a hug from Owen's mother, Sophia.

Damian swore his own heart was going to explode from his chest. As Sophia hugged him so tightly, warmth spread through his body. And Damian could only think that this is what parental love was like. Unconditional and constantly easily attained. While Kane profusely apologized, Owen had to pry Damian from his mother's arms. However, Sophia had merely laughed it off, waving the boys away and not releasing Damian until he was ready. He was immensely grateful for that action.

While deep in thought. Damian barely registered the sound of the sliding glass door to the patio. Suddenly Harvey plopped down beside Damian into one of the uncomfortable chairs. They wore a button-up shirt that was unbuttoned three holes down. Exposing their warm ivory mole-covered skin. Their hazel eyes glistened with welcome as their fake non-prescription glasses hung on the tip of their nose. "Greetings, hopefully, I didn't terrify you by coming out of nowhere. You seemed kind of exhorted in your own little world. Didn't want to call out to you in case I scared you."

Damian had found out rather quickly that Harvey was a free-spirited soul. They love literature more than the world and memorize every single word they ever read in a book. They seemed to have a photographic memory or were just immensely captivated by literature. Though it shocked Damian because he could barely get through a fifth-grade level book without completely losing his mind.

However, Harvey found old historical literature more amusing than any sci-fi or romance book that Damian constantly was drawn to. Though Harvey had told Damian that they would be using a reading program system. Pacifically designed for high schoolers who were immensely behind in their reading skills to improve fast enough to catch up to their peers. Though Harvey had pointed out lucky for Damian, he didn't have a time slot like the students would. He could stay stuck on one reading level for as long as needed. And only progress if he truly felt ready. For the past three months, Damian had been sitting at a seventh-grade reading level. Not feeling confident enough to ask Harvey to boost him up just yet. So many words still seemed too jumbled together and threw him off his course.

Harvey had noticed that Damian found learning animal medical terms to be easier. Only because Kane and Owen have more time to teach Damian everything that happened to pop up in their veterinary building. Such as names of diseases or medications. So Harvey constantly told Damian they had complete faith in the shifter. Cheering and believing in Damian whenever he became stuck. And in all reality Damian enjoyed the other shifters company. Having a friend who understood the struggles of growing up in a strict household was always a pleasurable experience--being able to trade traumatic back stories like baseball cards.

"You're fine, Harvey; no scaring this shifter out of his fur." Damian slaps it on his shoulder confidently, puffing out his slightly filled-out chest. Gaining weight had helped improve his smaller show of dominance. "Of course, I didn't mean it in any harm's way," Harvey laughed, covering their hand over their mouth in a polite jester. "If you're ready to begin, we can get started whenever you want." Damian smiled. "Bring it on, Harvey. I'm prepared to read the shit out of this book. I had a frustrating day at the front desk. So I need to get my anger out on something."

"Well, please don't damage the book. I've seen before what your short temper can do to my poor precious beauties. Don't want anything happening to this one. That was my favorite book in high school."

"Really, Harvey," Damian raised a singular eyebrow, "You enjoyed a romance book." Harvey turned his face, flushing; "Even a literary genius like me can't enjoy the smaller things in life. Plus, for being a lower-level book. It certainly has more of the raunchier scenes I've ever seen."

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